A Blast from the Past

Radio from 1927 to 1942
English | Model catalog newer book (copyright)
a_blast_from_the_past_cover.jpg a_blast_from_the_past_titelseite.jpg a_blast_from_the_past_titelinnenseite.jpg a_blast_from_the_past_inhaltsverzeichnis1.jpg a_blast_from_the_past_inhaltsverzeichnis2.jpg a_blast_from_the_past_inhaltsverzeichnis3.jpg a_blast_from_the_past_p22.jpg a_blast_from_the_past_p63.jpg a_blast_from_the_past_p201.jpg
Author Editor
H.G. Wolff, I. Jacobson
Publisher ISBN
Sound of Music (Antique Radio Company), United States of America (USA) 0-9620285-1-7
Date of issue / Date of first publication Periodicity

Obviously, this book exists in 2 different versions. With identical date of issue and no. of pages, they come with different front cover
Format Pages
DIN A4 Portrait 321
Print Type Type
Model catalog newer book (copyright)
Short Description

This book presents a comprehensive picture of the most important years of radio development in the United States.

available by: John Kusching and more
Click here for the 114 models documented in this literature, i.a.


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