Australian Official Radio Service Manual AORSM

Inglese | Books
aus_aorsm_vol_14_cover.jpg AUS_cover_vol.1_wes.jpg AUS_volume_1_1938_cover.jpg aus_aorsm_vol_14_index.png
Autore Curatore
Editore ISBN
The Strand Press Pty. Ltd., Australia
Data edizione / Data prima pubblicazione Periodicità
1937 ... 1955
Formato Pagine
Tipo stampa Tipo
Descrizione breve

The AORSM was published annually over the nineteen year period from 1937 to 1955 inclusive, with the exception of the period of WW2, where the years 1940 and 1941 were combined into a single volume, and none were published between 1942 and 1945.

During this wartime period, Australia's radio factories were either closed for the duration, or manufacturing various types of military gear.

First published in 1938 (covering 1937 radios) by The Strand Press Pty. Ltd., Brisbane. There were 14 volumes covering circuits and service information for domestic radio sets made by the local Australian manufacturers. Approximately, 320 pages and costing from 12/6 for the 1938 edition up to 24/- for the 1955 edition.

Volume 1 1937 circuits
Volume 2 1938 circuits
Volume 3 1939 circuits
Volume 4 1940/41 circuits
Volume 5 1946 circuits
Volume 6 1947 circuits
Volume 7 1948 circuits
Volume 8 1949 circuits
Volume 9 1950 circuits
Volume 10 1951 circuits
Volume 11 1952 circuits
Volume 12 1953 circuits
Volume 13 1954 circuits
Volume 14 1955 circuits

This entry is a placeholder only.
The complete listing of diagrams is shown in the Schematic Finder.

The covers of the books are all basically the same, so only Volume 14 is attached as a sample

(thanks to Gary Cowans for Info)

Created: Franz Harder (02.Jan.17) disponibile presso: Martin Kent e altri
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