Broadcaster, Service Man's Manual

English | Professional Journal
Author Editor
Publisher ISBN
Wireless Retailer & Broadcaster, Great Britain (UK)
Date of issue / Date of first publication Periodicity
Format Pages
Print Type Type
Professional Journal
Short Description

Seems to have existed from 1936 until at least 1940, when it was published only twice per year.


Information by Mark Hippenstiel: Description of vol.4 1937:
56 pages, stapled into card covers, well illustrated throughout with B&W photographs and line drawings. A pre-war publication for servicemen, packed with articles and features full of practical and technical information on the repair commercial radio recievers. Covers a wide range of equipment, including wirelesses and radiograms from Aerodyne to Ultra.

Created by: Ernst Erb (30.Jul.15)
Click here for the 28 models documented in this literature, i.a.


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