Citizen's Radio Call Book

English | Radio Amateur
Author Editor
D.H. Bell
Publisher ISBN
Citizen's Radio Service Bureau, United States of America (USA)
Chicago, IL
416 South Dearborn Street
Date of issue / Date of first publication Periodicity
1922 / November 1922
Format Pages
Print Type Type
Radio Amateur
Short Description

Citizen's Radio Call Book began in November 1922. It listed US and Canadian amateur stations, as well as experimental and naval stations.  There was also listings of station schedules. Beside the directory of stations, the publication is of historical significance because of its many advertisements.

The magazine changed its name to Citizens Radio Call Book Magazine with the Fall 1927 issue, then with th Fall 1928 issue, changed it to Citizens Radio Call Book Magazine and Scientific Digest.  Beginning with the January 1930 issue, the magazine would be called Radio Call Book and Technical Review.

The magazine was absorbed by Radio News in Decmber 1932.

Created by: Wayne Childress (06.Feb.17)


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