Endröhren und Endstufen-Transistoren und ihre Schaltungen, RADIO-PRAKTIKER-BÜCHEREI (RPB) Nr.1

German | Books
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Author Editor
Sutaner, Hans
Publisher Ξ Book seriesISBN
Franzis Verlag, Germany
Date of issue / Date of first publication Periodicity
1968 / 1959
3. Edition
3. Auflage mit neuem Titel und neuem Inhalt - siehe Vorwort
1. Edition 1959
3. Edition 1968
Format Pages
DIN A5 Portrait 72
Print Type Type
s/w Books
Short Description
Created by: Archiv GFGF (03.Apr.14) available by: Franz Harder


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Some example tube pages for sets you can see there:

Triode+Double-Beam Power Tube ECLL800 (1963-69)
Triode-Pentode ECL80 (1950)
Triode-Beam Power Tube ECL82 (1956)
Triode-Beam Power Tube ECL86 (1960)
Double Beam Power Tube ELL80 (1960)
Vacuum Pentode EL84 (1953)
Vacuum Pentode EL86 (1956)
Beam Power Tube EL95 (1956)
Triode-Beam Power Tube UCL81 (1952)
Vacuum Pentode UL84 (1955)


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