Machine Age to Jet Age

Radiomania's Guide to Tabletop Radios 1933-1959
English | Model catalog newer book (copyright)
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Author Editor
Stein, Mark V.
Publisher ISBN
Radiomania, United States of America (USA)
21209 Baltimore, MD
2109 Carterdale Road
Date of issue / Date of first publication Periodicity
1998 / 1994
2. Edition
1. Edition 1994
2. Edition 1998
Format Pages
DIN A4 Portrait 270
Print Type Type
Model catalog newer book (copyright)
Short Description

Machine Age to Jet Age Volume 1 (2nd.Ed.), 1998, Mark V. Stein, Radiomania Publishing, Baltimore, USA. See also other editions and volumes.

Replaced by new title 'Tabletop Radios Vol.1'.

Created by: Ernst Erb (23.Apr.15) available by: Ernst Erb
Click here for the 4 models documented in this literature, i.a.


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