Radolek Catalog

Radio Profit Guide
inglés | Catalog book old time (no copyright problem)
Author Editor
Publisher ISBN
The Radolek Company, Chicago, IL, Estados Unidos
Fecha del ejemplar / Fecha de la primera publicación Periodicity
Format Pages
Print Type Type
Black and white print with some sepia pages. Catalog book old time (no copyright problem)
Short Description

The Radolek Catalog was aimed at dealers and radio servicemen and contained most things radio related, such as, parts, tubes, test equipment, amateur gear, PA equipment, auto radios, and radio sets by major manufacturers, as well as their own brands of radio. Early 1930s catalogs included other household items, but by 1933 the they were publishing a catalog solely devoted to radio and electronics, and was using the subtitle "Radio Profit Guide." The 1938 catalog jumped to 164 pages from the previous 84 pages of the 1937 issue. Both the 1937 and 1938 catalogs have "Copyright by W.C Braun." W.C. Braun was a supplier of electrical goods, sporting goods, radio supplies, etc, and was also located in Chicago, IL. Bill (W.C.) Braun was the president of Radolek. The Radolek name seemed to vanish by the late 1940s.

Created: Ernst Erb (05.Aug.12) available by: Wayne Childress
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