RCA Victor Service Notes "Red Book" Series

Author Editor
Publisher Ξ Book seriesISBN
Date of issue / Date of first publication Periodicity
Format Pages
Print Type Type
Short Description

RCA Victor Service Notes "Red Book" has been printed for many years by RCA. Content: Quite detailed Service information - several pages per model.

RCA published a series of service manuals in the United States called the "RCA Victor Service Notes".  These were hard cover manuals with red covers, and became known as the RCA "Red Books".  RCA also published individual service data manuals for each radio model. Up until WW2, RCA published 11 Red Books.  After the war, RCA started publishing the Red Books again, but at this time started labeling the manuals as volumes, with Volume I covering the models in the 1923 to 1937 timeframe.  The information in Volume 1 is labeled as "revised and abridged", with much reduced content compared to the data in the pre-war manuals (usually just the schematic shown).  Volume II was also an abridged version, covering the years 1938 to 1942.  Since the original Red Books covered up to 1940, Volume II also covers models in the 1941-1942 years which were not originally covered in the pre-war manuals. The last Red Book covers the 1952 models.  After 1952, RCA published only individual service manuals for each model.


The following is a summary table of the RCA Victor Service Notes that were published.  Please note that the Redbooks were dated for the year that the radio models were introduced, thus for instance, the 1935 Redbook covered models for the 1935/1936 production years.

Manual Years Notes
RCA Victor Service Notes 1923-1928  
RCA Victor Service Notes 1929-1930  
RCA Victor Service Notes 1931-1932  
RCA Victor Service Notes 1933  
RCA Victor Service Notes 1934  
RCA Victor Service Notes 1935  
RCA Victor Service Notes 1936  
RCA Victor Service Notes 1937  
RCA Victor Service Notes 1938  
RCA Victor Service Notes 1939  
RCA Victor Service Notes 1940  
RCA Victor Service Notes - Volume I 1923-1937 Abridged service data on early models
RCA Victor Service Notes - Volume II 1938-1942

Contains service data on models not covered in original Redbook series

RCA Victor Service Notes - Volume III 1943-1946  
RCA Victor Service Notes - Volume IV 1947-1948  
RCA Victor Service Notes - Volume V 1949  
RCA Victor Service Notes - Volume VI 1950  
RCA Victor Service Notes - Volume VII 1951  
RCA Victor Service Notes - Volume VIII 1952  


Click here for the 903 models documented in this literature, i.a.


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