Saga of the Vacuum Tube, Tyne

English | Catalogue Tubes/Valves/Semiconductors in general
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Author Editor
Tyne, Gerald F.J.
Publisher ISBN
Howard W. Sams, United States of America (USA)
Date of issue / Date of first publication Periodicity
1977 / 1994
Format Pages
Print Type Type
Catalogue Tubes/Valves/Semiconductors in general
Short Description

The most comprehensive history of the thermionic vacuum tube. Contains hundreds of photos and essential facts to assist in identifying tubes made prior to 1930, and traces the evolution of tube development with histories of the manufacturers.

There are several prints of the title, originally published in 1977 :

2nd print 1987 
Softcover ISBN 9780672214707 / Hardcover ISBN 9780672214714
3rd print 1994 
Softcover ISBN 9780672214709 / Hardcover ISBN 9780672214717


available by: John Kusching and more
Click here for the 25 models documented in this literature, i.a.


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