Shortwave Receivers - Past & Present (3rd ed.)

Communications Receivers 1942-1997
English | Model catalog newer book (copyright)
Author Editor
Osterman, Fred N8EKU
Publisher ISBN
Universal Radio Research, United States of America (USA)
Reynoldsburg, OH
Date of issue / Date of first publication Periodicity
1998 / 1987
3. Edition
Format Pages
Letter US 473
Print Type Type
Model catalog newer book (copyright)
Short Description

Shortwave Receivers - Past and Present is a comprehensive guide to over 770 shortwave receivers manufactured in the years 1942-1997. One hundred worldwide shortwave receiver manufacturers from this period are represented.

available by: Wayne Childress and more
Click here for the 501 models documented in this literature, i.a.


Currently no attachments available.

Some example model pages for sets you can see there:

USA: Hammarlund Mfg. Co. Super-Pro 600 SP-600 (generic model) (1950-72)


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