Spiegel Catalogs (Aircastle)

English | Catalogue Models (not tubes)
Author Editor
Spiegel Inc.
Publisher ISBN
Spiegel Inc. Chicago, IL, United States of America (USA)
Date of issue / Date of first publication Periodicity
Format Pages
Print Type Type
Catalogue Models (not tubes)
Short Description

Spiegel was a Chicago based company who specialized in mail-order products.  They issued general catalogs twice a year, with the "Spring-Summer" catalog being the first yearly issue for that year, and the "Fall-Winter" catalog being the second yearly issue.  Spiegel also issued special catalogs, such as "Summer Special" catalogs and "Christmas" catalogs. 

Spiegel began selling radio's from other manufacturers.  Around 1934, Spiegel contracted with various radio manufacturers to build the "Aircastle" brand of radio's specifically for Spiegel.  Eventually Spiegel phased out all radio's from thier catalogs except for the Aircastle brand radio's.  In the early 1950's, Spiegel began to sell radio's from other manufacturers again.  Radio's from General Electric, Halicrafters and a few other manufacturers began to appear in the catalogs along with the Aircastle models.  The Aircastle line of radio's continued until 1954, at which time the Aircastle brand of radio's was discontinued. 

Created by: John Kusching (04.May.16)
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