The Best Years of Australian Radio

An essential book for every enthusiast and collector
inglés | Catalogue Models (not tubes)
Author Editor
Smith, Rod Rod Smith
Publisher ISBN
Southwood Press Pty Limited, Australia
Fecha del ejemplar / Fecha de la primera publicación Periodicity
2009 / 1998
2. Edición
1. Edición
2. Edición 2009
Format Pages
DIN A4 Portrait 208
Print Type Type
Catalogue Models (not tubes)
Short Description

A revised, second limited edition,  of pictures and information on Australian valve radios, covering the period from late 1920’s untill mid 1950’s.
Some info has been deleted, some updated, and a considerable quantity of new material included, over 1000 radios in all, with comphrensive index.

Created: Franz Harder (17.Oct.15) available by: Gary Cowans


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