The Incomparable Capehart

English | Model catalog newer book (copyright)
Author Editor
Baumbach, Robert W.
Publisher ISBN
Mulholland Press Incorporated, United States of America (USA)
Los Angeles, CA
Date of issue / Date of first publication Periodicity
2005 / 2005
1. Edition
Bonus page: The book is spiral bound.
1. Edition 2005
Format Pages
Letter US
Print Type Type
Model catalog newer book (copyright)
Short Description

Some history about Homer Earl Capehart including his work at Wurlitzer, information about the series with the turn-ove turntables 16-E and 41-E and all the necessary pages for a revision/undertanding of those mechanism and tow tables for the models.

Created by: Ernst Erb (01.Sep.12)
Click here for the 129 models documented in this literature, i.a.


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