Tube Type Transmitters 1920-1980

English | Model catalog newer book (copyright)
Author Editor
Rippen, Eugene
Publisher ISBN
Self-Published by Author, United States of America (USA) 978-0-9836428-0-0
Date of issue / Date of first publication Periodicity
2011 / 1995
2. Edition
1. Edition 1995
2. Edition 2011
Format Pages
Print Type Type
Model catalog newer book (copyright)
Short Description

Tube Type Transmitters 1920-1980, by Eugene Ripen, is the second edition of Tube Type Transmitter Guide 1922-1970. It is a catalog of nearly 1000 models of transmitters, linear amplifiers, transceivers, modulators, tuners, VFOs and other amateur transmitting equipment.  A brief description of the model, including date, tubes, power output, etc varies from model to model. A small background is provided for some companies. Both major and smaller, less known, manufacturers are listed.

Created by: Wayne Childress (07.Jan.17) available by: Wayne Childress
Click here for the 2 models documented in this literature, i.a.


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