Antique Radio Classified
The National Publication for Buyers and Sellers of Old Radios and Related Items
Periodical Volume 27Number 11November / December 2010
created by: Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014 (29.Mar.14) available by: Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014
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Content |
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created by
Robert Rydzewski
- Stromberg-Carlson 410-H Table Radio
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created by
Robert Rydzewski
- Editor's Comments
Detail / CommentChange of ownership from John V. Terrey to Jon Kummer
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created by
Robert Rydzewski
- A Few Covers From Antique Radio Classified's Past
- Info Items
- Diagram or Drawing
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created by
Robert Rydzewski
- Slagel Radio Company Model IV 3-Dialer
Detail / CommentFrom Fort Wayne, IN
- Novelty Ceramic Radio Containers
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created by
Robert Rydzewski
- 1931 Chronovox Clock Radio
- 1947 Columbia Coin-Operated Radio
- Crosley Buddy Boy
- Stromberg-Carlson 410-H Table Radio
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created by
Robert Rydzewski
- 1929 Siver Marshall 710 "Sargent-Rayment Seven"
- Oro-Tone "Sea Horn" Loud Speakers in 3 Different Sizes
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created by
Robert Rydzewski
- 1933 Majestic Gothic 37 Cathedral
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created by
Robert Rydzewski
- 1923 Monroe D-7 Receiver and A-7 Amplifier
Detail / CommentMade in Illinois
- Globe 610 Receiver and 615 Amplifier
Detail / CommentMade in Indiana
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created by
Robert Rydzewski
- Atwater Kent Model 5, No. 4333 Breadboard
- Atwater Kent Models No. 4052 and No. 4066
- Atwater Kent Model 8, No. 4325 Breadboard
- Two Versions of the Atwater Kent Model 9 Breadboard
- Atwater Kent 9C, No. 4660 Breadboard; Atwater Kent 10C, No. 4700 Breadboard
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created by
Robert Rydzewski
- Atwater Kent 5C
Detail / CommentSimilar to Model 20
- 1935 Atwater Kent 925 Radio
Detail / CommentPossibly one of a kind
- 1931 Atwater Kent 112 Console
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created by
Robert Rydzewski
- Atwater Kent 92 Cathedral and 93 Shortwave Converter
- Atwater Kent Table Lamps
- Atwater Kent Model 225 Table Set
- 1935 Atwater Kent 619 Console
- 1932 Atwater Kent 812 Console
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created by
Robert Rydzewski
- Emerson AU106 Catalin Radio
- Philco 16B Tombstone
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created by
Robert Rydzewski
- Philco H-1714 "Predicta" Electrostatic Speakers
- Altec 803B/288C "Voice of the Theatre" Horn Speakers
- Scott Allwave 15 Console in Warrington Cabinet
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created by
Robert Rydzewski
- United Diamond Crystal Unit
Detail / CommentUnited Metal Stamping & Radio Co., Cincinnati, OH
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created by
Robert Rydzewski
- Proposed Entrance to New AWA Museum
Detail / CommentLooks like Sparton sled
- World War II Portable radio Station: BC-654-A Transmitter, Receiver, Generator
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created by
Robert Rydzewski
- Federal Sets: Model 58; Model 57; Model 161; Model 61
- Floor Plan for AWA Museum
- Info Items
- Diagram or Drawing
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created by
Robert Rydzewski
- Zenith Radios: Model 1R Receiver and Model 2M 2-Step Amplifier
- Pittsburgh SP2 2-Dialer
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created by
Robert Rydzewski
- Doubleday-Hill Electric Company Loose Coupler
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created by
Robert Rydzewski
- 3-Tube RC-Coupled 1925-6 Amps: Sonatron; Bradley-Amplifier, DeJur, Kelford
- 3-Tube RC-Coupled 1925-6 Amps: Daven; Muter
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created by
Robert Rydzewski
- Atwater Kent 6-Tube, Top-of-the-Line Model 12 Breadboard
- Mercury SH-10, With 10 215A Tubes
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created by
Robert Rydzewski
- Chicago Radio Labs PAR Regenerator and AGN-2 Detector/2-Stage Amplifier
- Boston Scale and Machine Detector/2-Stage Amplifier
- Pink-A-Tone 3-Dial, Slant-Front Set
- Ken-Rad B12 Crystal Set
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created by
Robert Rydzewski
- RCA C-72936 Experimental Tricolor Kinescope, 16" CRT
- Original DeForest Spherical Audion, Double Wing
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created by
Robert Rydzewski
- Wireless Specialty Apparatus Co. IPI-501A Receiver
- Mercury Super 10
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created by
Robert Rydzewski
- Atwater Kent Breadboards: Model 9, No. 4445; Model 9C
- Wireless Specialty Apparatus Co. IPI-501A Receiver
- 1930 Baird Mechanical TV Receiver
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created by
Robert Rydzewski
- Crosley Widget Cathedral in Repwood Cabinet
- Crosley Harko Sr.
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created by
Robert Rydzewski
- 1930 Baird TV Receiver Using Scanning Disk
- 1929 Daven 12" Mechanical TV Scanning Disc
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created by
Robert Rydzewski
- Horn Speakers: Magnavox A2R; Sea Tone Shell; Magnavox R-2 Model B
- Raytheon TV Neon Lamp for Mechanical TVs
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created by
Robert Rydzewski
- Crystal Detectors: Westinghouse DB Dual (galena, Perikon); WSA Triple
- 1922 RCA Vocarola Horn Speaker
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created by
Robert Rydzewski
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created by
Robert Rydzewski
- Mid-1950s Motorola "Pixie" Portable
Detail / Comment3 of 4 tubes are subminiature
Currently no attachments available.
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