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NZ: Radio Catalog for the radio manufacturer Cromwell, Gulbransen (NZ), Pacemaker, (Brands) Clarke, H. W.; Wellington

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Model Year Category Tubes Pictures Forum Coll.Pr.

Pacemaker Atlanta 1957 Radio 5 - ECH81 3 Bilder vorhanden 2S    
Pacemaker Boston 1957 Radio 5 - 6BE6 8 Bilder vorhanden 3S    
Pacemaker Brentwood 1957 Radio 5 - 6BE6 1 Bilder vorhanden 3S    
Pacemaker Brocton 1957 Radio 3S    
Pacemaker Brooklyn 1957 Radio 5 - 6BE6 3S    
Pacemaker Transistor 8 Trans-Portable NA3201-106 1957 Radio 8 - 2N247 16 Bilder vorhanden 7S    
Gulbransen Buffalo 1958 Radio 5 - 6BE6 6 Bilder vorhanden      
Pacemaker Pageant 1958 Radio 6 - 6BE6 6 Bilder vorhanden 2S    
Transistorised-58 Trans-Portable 58 1958 Radio 7 - or 7 Bilder vorhanden 4S   $
Pacemaker Bristol 1958 ? Radio 6 - 6BE6 1 Bilder vorhanden 2S    
Dakota 1960 Radio 6 - ECH81 2 Bilder vorhanden 2S    
Pacemaker Bonavista 1960 Radio 6 - 6BE6 9 Bilder vorhanden 3S    
Pacemaker Sportable 1960 Radio 6 - or 8 Bilder vorhanden 2S    
Pacemaker Transportable 1960 Radio 7 - or 9 Bilder vorhanden      
Sony-Pacemaker TR-610 1960 Radio 6 9 Bilder vorhanden      
Pacemaker Patina Stereogram 1962 Radio 7 - 6BE6 5 Bilder vorhanden 2S    
Sony Pacemaker TR-7121 1962 ? Radio 7 11 Bilder vorhanden      
Pacemaker Transportable TP63 1963 Radio 7 - 2N1637 6 Bilder vorhanden      
Pacemaker Transportable 64 TP64 1964 Radio 7 - 2N1637 3 Bilder vorhanden 2S    
Sony 8R-13AN 1973 ? Radio 7 7 Bilder vorhanden      
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