Stand alone Crystal Detector |
1914 |
Radio part |
5 |
$ |
Short Wave Regenerative Receiver AGP-101 |
1916 |
Radio |
1 |
Short Wave Regenerative Receiver AGP-102 |
1917 |
Radio |
1 |
Short Wave Regenerative Receiver AGP-102 Type 2 |
1917 |
Radio |
1 |
Sub Chaser Radio Receptor |
1917 |
Radio |
1 |
CR2 [Binding Posts on Top of Front Panel] |
1919 |
mod-pre26 |
16 |
1919 |
Ampl/Mixer |
2 - VT-Class-II |
1 |
1S |
RORD Type 1 [exposed rheostat windings] |
1919 |
mod-pre26 |
3 - VT-Class-I |
13 |
1S |
1919 |
Ampl/Mixer |
1 - VT-Class-II |
9 |
1S |
Transmitting Vacuum Tube Control Type CT-1 |
1919 |
mod-pre26 |
1 |
Two-Stage Audio Amplifier RORB [with step control] |
1919 |
Ampl/Mixer |
2 - VT-Class-II |
1F |
Two-Stage Audio Amplifier RORC [without control] |
1919 |
Ampl/Mixer |
2 - VT-Class-II |
Vacuum Tube Adjustable Inductance TLAC [Twelve Point Adjustable Inductance] |
1919 |
mod-pre26 |
Vacuum Tube Adjustable Inductance TLAD [Four Point Adjustable Inductance] |
1919 |
mod-pre26 |
Vacuum Tube Transmitter Coupler TKAC ["V" Circuit Transmitting Coupler] |
1919 |
mod-pre26 |
Vacuum Tube Transmitter Coupler TKAD [Tickler Type Transmitting Coupler] |
1919 |
mod-pre26 |
10 |
CR4 |
1919/20 |
mod-pre26 |
16 |
1S |
$ |
CR1 |
1919–21 |
Radio |
1 - VT-Class-I |
13 |
2S |
$ |
RORA Vacuum Tube Unit |
1919–21 |
mod-pre26 |
1 - VT-Class-I |
7 |
$ |
CR2 |
1920 |
mod-pre26 |
13 |
1S |
$ |
CR3A |
1920 |
Radio |
1 |
6 |
$ |
CR3 Grebe Special [Type 1 (wooden variometers)] |
1920 |
mod-pre26 |
8 |
1S |
$ |
CR6 RadioPhone |
1920 |
Radio |
3 - UV200 |
9 |
1S |
$ |
Long Wave CR7 Type 1 [exposed tube and rheostat] |
1920 |
Radio |
1 - VT-Class-I |
4 |
1S |
ROAA Vacuum Tube Storage Battery |
1920 |
Power-S |
3 |
ROAB Vacuum Tube Storage Battery |
1920 |
Power-S |
3 |
1920 |
mod-pre26 |
3 - VT-Class-I |
4 |
1S |
1920 |
mod-pre26 |
2 - VT-Class-I |
1S |
1920 |
mod-pre26 |
1 - VT-Class-I |
13 |
1S |
1F |
$ |
1920 |
Ampl/Mixer |
2 - VT-Class-II |
9 |
1S |
$ |
RORK Type 1 [External Rheostat Elements] |
1920 |
Ampl/Mixer |
2 - VT-Class-II |
10 |
1920 |
mod-pre26 |
2 - VT-Class-I |
6 |
1S |
RPDA Dual Crystal Detector |
1920 |
Radio part |
4 |
RPDB Crystal Detector |
1920 |
Radio part |
11 |
$ |
TGAC Synchronous Rotary Spark-Gap |
1920 |
Amateur-D |
6 |
TGAD Synchronous Rotary Spark-Gap |
1920 |
Amateur-D |
5 |
CR-5 (CR5) [Early Exposed Tube] |
1921 |
Radio |
1 - UV200 |
32 |
1S |
$ |
CR-8 |
1921 |
Radio |
1 - C300 |
23 |
1S |
$ |
CR9 |
1921 |
Radio |
3 - C300 |
20 |
2S |
2F |
$ |
KT1 |
1921 |
Commercial TRX |
1 - UV200 |
2 |
RCVE Variable Air Condenser Unit |
1921 |
Radio part |
RCVF Variable Air Condenser Unit |
1921 |
Radio part |
RKAB Variable Coupler Unit |
1921 |
Radio part |
9 |
$ |
RLVB Variable Inductance Unit |
1921 |
Radio part |
6 |
RLVC Variable Inductance Unit |
1921 |
Radio part |
RLVD Variable Inductance Unit |
1921 |
Radio part |
10 |
$ |
RORD Type 2 [Thumb wheel rheostat knobs] |
1921 |
mod-past25 |
3 - UV200 |
14 |
$ |
Variable Air Condenser Type RCVC |
1921 |
Radio part |
6 |
CR5 Vernier |
1922 |
Radio |
1 |
26 |
1S |
$ |
CR-10 Radiotone |
1922 |
Radio |
4 |
13 |
Grebe Special CR-3 Type 2 [vernier tuning] |
1922 |
Radio |
10 |
$ |
Long Wave CR7 Type 2 [Internal tube socket] |
1922 |
Radio |
1 - UV200 |
1 |
1S |
$ |
Radionelle |
1922 |
Radio |
5 |
RORK Type 2 [Internal Rheostat Elements, thumb wheels] |
1922 ? |
Ampl/Mixer |
2 - UV201 |
9 |
1S |
$ |
1922 ?? |
Ampl/Mixer |
3 - UV201 |
1S |
CR-12 |
1923 |
Radio |
4 - C300 |
12 |
1S |
$ |
CR13 |
1923 |
Radio |
2 |
6 |
1S |
$ |
CR14 |
1923 |
Radio |
3 - UV199 |
19 |
1S |
$ |
1923 |
RF-Ampl. |
1 - UV201 |
14 |
3S |
$ |
CR-16 |
1924 |
Radio |
5 - UV201A |
1 |
RORQ Clarifier |
1924 |
RF-Ampl. |
1 - UV201A |
11 |
1S |
$ |
Synchrophase 5 Battery supply |
1924 |
Radio |
5 - UV201A |
Synchrophase MU-1 without chain [lowboy] |
1924 |
Radio |
5 - UV201A |
8 |
1F |
$ |
Synchrophase MU1 without chain [table] |
1924 |
Radio |
5 - UV201A |
22 |
5S |
1F |
$ |
Synchrophase MU2 [UV tubes] |
1925 |
Radio |
6 - UV199 |
2 |
$ |
Synchrophase 5 AC supply |
1925 |
Radio |
6 - C301A |
1S |
$ |
Synchrophase DeLuxe MU-1 console |
1925 |
Radio |
5 - UV201A |
4 |
1S |
Synchrophase DeLuxe MU-2 console [UV tubes] |
1925 |
Radio |
6 - UV199 |
1S |
Synchrophase 5 |
1925–27 |
Radio |
5 - UX201A |
3 |
Andalusia |
1926 |
Radio |
5 |
7 |
$ |
Lancaster |
1926 |
Radio |
5 |
1 |
Princess |
1926 |
Radio |
5 |
1 |
$ |
Puritan |
1926 |
Radio |
5 |
1 |
$ |
Renaissance |
1926 |
Radio |
5 |
1 |
$ |
Short Wave CR18 [2 tubes] |
1926 |
Amateur-R |
2 - UX201A |
18 |
1S |
$ |
Synchrophase MU2 [UX tubes] |
1926 |
Radio |
6 - UX199 |
11 |
$ |
Synchrophase MU1 with chain |
1926 |
Radio |
5 - UX201A |
62 |
2S |
$ |
C7 |
1927 |
Radio |
7 |
Natural Speaker 20-20 |
1927 |
Speaker-P |
3 |
Socket Power B&C 671 |
1927 |
Power-S |
8 |
$ |
Synchrophase 7 [battery] |
1927 |
Radio |
7 - CX301A |
20 |
1S |
$ |
AC 6 Speaker Table Model 103 |
1928 |
Speaker-P |
10 |
Buckeye [(Cab. only)] |
1928 |
Radio |
8 |
Buckeye |
1928 |
Radio |
9 |
DeLuxe [new] |
1928 |
Radio |
7 |
PowerAmpTable |
1928 |
Misc |
9 |
PwrAmp&Spkr 2250 |
1928 |
Misc |
7 |
Short Wave CR18 Special [3 tubes] |
1928 |
Amateur-R |
3 - UX201A |
5 |
$ |
Socket Power Unit AC6 SPU |
1928 |
Power-S |
1 - CX380 |
SpeakerStand 2249 |
1928 |
Radio |
7 |
Synchrophase AC7 |
1928 |
Radio |
8 - UX226 |
1S |
$ |
Synchrophase Model 55 |
1928 |
Radio |
5 - UX201A |
19 |
$ |
Synchrophase A-C six AC6 [table] |
1928 |
Radio |
7 - 26 |
21 |
2S |
$ |
Synchrophase A-C six AC6 [Console] |
1928 |
Radio |
7 - 26 |
11 |
1S |
$ |
428 |
1928 |
Radio |
11 - 226 |
1S |
820 [7 tubes] |
1928 |
Radio |
7 |
$ |
820 [8 tubes] |
1928 |
Radio |
8 |
2227 Table only |
1928 |
Misc |
7 |
671B Socket Power Unit |
1928 ?? |
Power-S |
1 |
1S |
De Luxe A-C six [Console] |
1928/29 |
Radio |
2 |