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USA: Radio Catalog for the radio manufacturer Sears, Roebuck & Co.; Chicago (IL)

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Model Year Category Tubes Pictures Forum Coll.Pr.

Silvertone 102BE Ch= 528.50340 or CH= 528.50342 1959 ? Television 14 - 2CY5 4S    
Silvertone 102GY Ch= 528.50340 or CH= 528.50342 1959 ? Television 14 - 2CY5 4S    
Silvertone 103-5 Ch= 528.50341 or CH= 528.50343 1959 ? Television 14 - 2CY5 4S    
Silvertone 103 Ch= 528.50340 or CH= 528.50342 1959 ? Television 14 - 2CY5 4S    
Silvertone 104-5BL, GY, TA Ch= 456.51640,641, 528.51640,641 1959 Television 15 2S    
Silvertone 104-5BL, GY, TA Ch= 528.51641, -643, -645, -647 1959 Television 15 20S    
Silvertone 104BL, GY, TA Ch= 456.51640,641, 528.51640,641 1959 Television 15 2S    
Silvertone 104BL, GY, TA Ch= 528.51640, -642, -644, -646 1959 Television 15 20S    
Silvertone 106 Ch= 132.889-2 1951 ? Television 19 - 6CB6 1 Bilder vorhanden 15S    
Silvertone 107 Ch= 132.889-2 1951 ? Television 19 - 6CB6 15S    
Silvertone 110-5 Ch= 528.50341 or CH= 528.50343 1959 ? Television 14 - 2CY5 4S    
Silvertone 110 Ch= 528.50340 or CH= 528.50342 1959 ? Television 14 - 2CY5 4S    
Silvertone 114, -5, 116, -5 Ch= 528.51580 to 528.51585 1959 Television 15 26S    
Silvertone 116 1951 Television 19 - 6AG5 18S    
Silvertone 116 A Ch= 110.700-10 1951 ?? Television 19 - 6AG5 2 Bilder vorhanden 18S    
Silvertone 118-5CH, L Ch= 528.51641, -643, -645, -647 1959 Television 15 2 Bilder vorhanden 20S    
Silvertone 118CH. L. 118-5CH, L Ch= 456.51640,641, 528.51640,641 1959 Television 15 2S    
Silvertone 118CH, L Ch= 528.51640, -642, -644, -646 1959 Television 15 20S    
Silvertone 120-5 Ch= 528.50341 or CH= 528.50343 1959 ? Television 14 - 2CY5 1 Bilder vorhanden 4S    
Silvertone 120 Ch= 478.311 1950 ? Television 21 - 6J6 15S    
Silvertone 120 Ch= 528.50340 or CH= 528.50342 1959 ? Television 14 - 2CY5 4S    
Silvertone 130, -5, 132, -5 Ch= 528.51620 to 528.51627 1959 Television 15 26S    
Silvertone 131A 1951 Television 19 - 6AG5 18S    
Silvertone 131 TV 1951 Television 19 - 6AG5 18S    
Silvertone 133 1952 ? Television 30 - 6AG5 1 Bilder vorhanden 18S    
Silvertone 141 Ch= 132.889-2 1951 ? Television 19 - 6CB6 15S    
Silvertone 143A Ch= 100.111 1951 ? Television 31 - 6AG5 1 Bilder vorhanden 18S    
Silvertone 144 Ch= 478.312 , 478.240 1952 ? Television 27 - 6J6 1 Bilder vorhanden 21S    
Silvertone 150, -5, 152, -5 Ch= 528.51580 to 528.51585 1959 Television 15 26S    
Silvertone 150-14 Ch= 478.338 1951 ? Television 21 - 6J6 1 Bilder vorhanden 13S    
Silvertone 154, -5, 156, -5 Ch= 528.51580 to 528.51585 1959 Television 15 26S    
Silvertone 159 Ch= 478.309 1950 ? Television 21 - 6J6 1 Bilder vorhanden 15S    
Silvertone 160, 160-5 Ch= 456.52200, 201, 528.52200, 2 1959 Television 17 2 Bilder vorhanden 2S    
Silvertone 162-16 1951 Television 19 - 6AG5 18S    
Silvertone 162, 162-5 Ch= 456.52200, 201, 528.52200, 2 1959 Television 17 22S    
Silvertone 163-16 Ch= 478.319 1952 ? Television 21 - 6J6 1 Bilder vorhanden 14S    
Silvertone 164, 164-5 Ch= 456.52200, 201, 528.52200, 2 1959 Television 17 22S    
Silvertone 165-16 Ch= 100.120 1951 ? Television 26 - 6CB6 1 Bilder vorhanden 14S    
Silvertone 168-16 Ch= 549.100-3 1952 ? Television 20 - 6BC5 16S    
Silvertone 170, -5, 172, -5 Ch= 528.51580 to 528.51585 1959 Television 15 26S    
Silvertone 173-16 1951 Television 19 - 6AG5 18S    
Silvertone 175-16 Ch= 549.100-5 1952 ? Television 21 - 6BC5 16S    
Silvertone 175-16 Ch= 549.100-8 1952 ? Television 21 - 6BC5 16S    
Silvertone 175-16 Ch= 549.100-9 1952 ? Television 21 - 6BC5 16S    
Silvertone 176-19 Ch= 549.100-6 1952 ? Television 21 - 6BC5 16S    
Silvertone 177-19 1951 Television 19 - 6AG5 18S    
Silvertone 179-16 ch= 132.890 1951 ? Television 20 - 6CB6 15S    
Silvertone 180-16 ch= 132.890 1951 ? Television 20 - 6CB6 15S    
Silvertone 180, 180-5 Ch= 456.52200, 201, 528.52200, 2 1959 Television 17 22S    
Silvertone 182, 182-5 Ch= 456.52200, 201, 528.52200, 2 1959 Television 17 22S    
Silvertone 184, 184-5 Ch= 456.52200, 201, 528.52200, 2 1959 Television 17 22S    
Silvertone 186, 186-5 Ch= 456.52200, 201, 528.52200, 2 1959 Television 17 22S    
Silvertone 189-16 1951 Television 19 - 6AG5 18S    
Silvertone 190, -5, 192,-5 Ch= 528.51600 to 528.51605 1959 Television 15 24S    
Silvertone 194-16 ch= 132.890 1951 ? Television 20 - 6CB6 15S    
Silvertone 195-16 ch= 132.890 1951 ? Television 20 - 6CB6 1 Bilder vorhanden 15S    
Silvertone Ch= 528.239 1956 ? Television 20 - 6BZ7 2S    
Silvertone Ch= 528.239-1 1956 ? Television 20 - 6BZ7 2S    
Silvertone 811B Ch= 528.51167 1958 ? Television 15 - 2CY5 19S    
Silvertone 1176-21 Ch= 100.208 1952 ? Television 19 - 6BK7 1 Bilder vorhanden 15S    
Silvertone 1182-21 Ch= 478381 1952 ? Television      
Silvertone 1184-20 Ch= 528.631 1952 ? Television 19 - 6BK7 1 Bilder vorhanden 16S    
Silvertone 1184-20 Ch= 528.631-1 1952 ? Television 19 - 6BK7 1 Bilder vorhanden 16S    
Silvertone 1186-21 Ch= 100.208 1952 ? Television 19 - 6BK7 15S    
Silvertone 4101 1952 ?? Television 1 Bilder vorhanden      
Silvertone 5106 1950 ?? Television      
Silvertone 5115-2 Ch= 549.16005 1956 ? Television 16 - 6AF4 1 Bilder vorhanden 16S    
Silvertone 5132A Ch= 528.34300 1955 ? Television 16 - 6BZ7 22S    
Silvertone 5132A Ch= 528.34301 1955 ? Television 16 - 6BZ7 22S    
Silvertone 5132A Ch= 528.34400 1955 ? Television 16 - 6BZ7 22S    
Silvertone 5132B Ch= 528.34300 1955 ? Television 16 - 6BZ7 22S    
Silvertone 5132B Ch= 528.34301 1955 ? Television 16 - 6BZ7 22S    
Silvertone 5132B Ch= 528.34400 1955 ? Television 16 - 6BZ7 22S    
Silvertone 5133A Ch= 528.33400 1955 ? Television 17 - 6AF4 22S    
Silvertone 5133A Ch= 528.33500 1955 ? Television 17 - 6AF4 1 Bilder vorhanden 22S    
Silvertone 5133A Ch= 528.33501 1955 ? Television 17 - 6AF4 22S    
Silvertone 5133B Ch= 528.33400 1955 ? Television 17 - 6AF4 22S    
Silvertone 5133B Ch= 528.33500 1955 ? Television 17 - 6AF4 22S    
Silvertone 5133B Ch= 528.33501 1955 ? Television 17 - 6AF4 22S    
Silvertone 5134 Ch= 528.34300 1955 ? Television 16 - 6BZ7 22S    
Silvertone 5134 Ch= 528.34301 1955 ? Television 16 - 6BZ7 22S    
Silvertone 5134 Ch= 528.34400 1955 ? Television 16 - 6BZ7 22S    
Silvertone 5135 Ch= 528.33400 1955 ? Television 17 - 6AF4 22S    
Silvertone 5135 Ch= 528.33500 1955 ? Television 17 - 6AF4 22S    
Silvertone 5135 Ch= 528.33501 1955 ? Television 17 - 6AF4 22S    
Silvertone 5136 Ch= 528.34300 1955 ? Television 16 - 6BZ7 22S    
Silvertone 5136 Ch= 528.34301 1955 ? Television 16 - 6BZ7 22S    
Silvertone 5136 Ch= 528.34400 1955 ? Television 16 - 6BZ7 22S    
Silvertone 5137 Ch= 528.33400 1955 ? Television 17 - 6AF4 22S    
Silvertone 5137 Ch= 528.33500 1955 ? Television 17 - 6AF4 22S    
Silvertone 5137 Ch= 528.33501 1955 ? Television 17 - 6AF4 22S    
Silvertone 5160-2 Ch= 549.16100 1955 ? Television 15 - 6BQ7A 3 Bilder vorhanden 19S    
Silvertone 5160 Ch= 528.39200 1956 ? Television 16 - 6BC5 15S    
Silvertone 5161 Ch= 528.39300 1956 ? Television 17 - 6BZ7 1 Bilder vorhanden 22S    
Silvertone 5170 Ch= 528.39200 1956 ? Television 16 - 6BC5 15S    
Silvertone 5171 Ch= 528.39300 1956 ? Television 17 - 6BZ7 1 Bilder vorhanden 22S    
Silvertone 6100 Ch= 528.38800 1956 ? Television 16 - 6BC5 15S    
Silvertone 6100 Ch= 528.38801 1956 ? Television 16 - 6BC5 15S    
Silvertone 6100 Ch= 528.42900 1956 ? Television 1 Bilder vorhanden 22S    
Silvertone 6100 Ch= 528.43500 1956 ? Television 16 - 6BC5 1 Bilder vorhanden 22S    
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