Museu Casa Rull |
400 La Massana, Andorra |
Address |
Carrer Major (26), s/n-Sispony
Floor area | unfortunately not known yet |
Opening times
May-October: 10-14 h and 15-18 h; Sunday afternoon and Monday closed. November to April 10-14 h and 15-18 h; Sunday and Monday closed. The museum is open from 10-14 h: January 5 The museum is closed: 1 and 6 January / March 14th / September 8th / 1st November / 21 and December 26. Maig-octubre: 10-14 h i 15-18 h; Diumenges tarda i dilluns tancat.
Novembre a abril: 10-14 h i 15-18 h; Diumenges i dilluns tancat. El museu obre de 10-14 h: 5 de gener El museu està tancat: 1 i 6 de gener / 14 de març / 8 de setembre / 1 de novembre / 21 i 26 de desembre. |
Status from 02/2017
Normal 5,00 €; Reduïda 2,50 € |
Contact |
Homepage | |
Location / Directions |
Description | Das Museum zeigt die Einrichtungen, Lebensform, Arbeit in der Landwirtschaft und die Familienstruktur einer der reichsten andorranischen Familien im 18. bis zum frühen 20. Jahrhundert. |
Data Compliance | More Information |