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Museu de l'Electricitat

200 Encamp, Andorra

Address Av. de la Bartra s/n (Sortida d'Escaldes en direcció Encamp)
Floor area unfortunately not known yet  
Museum typ Exhibition
Electrical Applications
  • Architecture
  • Electricity / Magnetism
  • Electric motors/generators/pumps
  • Lamps and Light

Opening times
Tuesday - Saturday: 9.30am-1.30pm + 3pm-6.30pm;
last guided tour: morning 12noon; afternoon 5 pm;
sunday, holiday: 10am-14pm; last guided tour: 12.30pm;
duration of tour: 1 hour
Dimarts - Dissabte: 09H30-13H30 + 15H00-18H30;
última visita: matí 12H; tarda 17H;
Diumenge i Festius: 10H00-14H00; última visita: 12H30;
Durada de la visita: 1 hora

Status from 02/2017
Normal 5,00 €; Reduïda 2,50 €

Tel.:+376-739 111  Fax:+376-739 110  


Our page for Museu de l'Electricitat in Encamp, Andorra, is not yet administrated by a member. Please write to us about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N42.514640° E1.553390°N42°30.87840' E1°33.20340'N42°30'52.7040" E1°33'12.2040"

The exhibition rooms are located on the ground floor of the FEDA hydroelectric power station building.

Location / Directions
El Museu de l’Electricitat, Museu MW, està situat a la sortida d’Escaldes en direcció a Encamp, a l’edifici de les Forces Elèctriques d’Andorra.


The permanent section in the MW Museum presents a more educational and historical view of electricity, with an exhibition of objects related to its development and a second space explaining what electricity is, where it comes from and how it is generated. There is also a section devoted to a chronological history of electricity in Andorra since 1909.
This area is completed by a room for educational experimentation, an interactive space where visitors can perform different experiments for themselves, and the engine room, an impressive facility that houses the hydro power station’s three generators.


La part permanent del Museu MW ofereix el vessant més didàctic i històric de l’electricitat, amb una mostra d’objectes relacionats amb la seva evolució, i una part en què s’explica què és, d’on ve i com es genera. També hi ha una secció cronològica amb la història de l’electricitat a Andorra des de l’any 1909.
Aquesta part es completa amb una sala d’experiments didàctics que permet una interactivitat al visitant, que pot realitzar diferents experiments, i la sala de màquines, una impressionant estança que allotja els tres generadors de la central hidroelèctrica. presents here one of the many museum pages. We try to bring data for your direct information about all that is relevant. In the list (link above right) you find the complete listing of museums related to "Radio & Co." we have information of. Please help us to be complete and up to date by using the contact form above.



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