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Museu de la Moto - Motorcycle museum Principality of Andorra

100 Canillo, Andorra

Address Ctra. General 1, s/n (al costat de St. Joan de Caselles)
Floor area unfortunately not known yet  
Museum typ
Motorcycles / Motorbikes

Opening times
Wednesday, Thursday: 10-13:30h + 15-19h
Friday: 10-13:30h + 15-19:30h
Saturday, Sunday: 10- 13:30h + 15- 20h
Dimecres, dijous: 10:00-13:30h + 15:00-19:00h
Divendres: 10:00-13:30h + 15:00-19:30h
Dissabte, diumenge: 10:00-13:30h + 15:00-20:00h

Status from 02/2017
Normal 5,00 €; Reduïda 2,50 €

Tel.:+376-853 444  eMail:museudelamoto  


Our page for Museu de la Moto - Motorcycle museum Principality of Andorra in Canillo, Andorra, is not yet administrated by a member. Please write to us about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N42.570850° E1.607331°N42°34.25100' E1°36.43986'N42°34'15.0600" E1°36'26.3916"


The Canillo Motorcycle Museum is a museum owned parish based in Canillo, Andorra, dedicated to the exhibition of motorcycles of all time, from the late nineteenth century to the present.
Run by Canillo, is the first of its kind in Andorra is located next to Sant Joan de Caselles, near the main road, just outside the town of Canillo.
The center collaborates with the Museum of Motoring "Roda Roda" and Lleida Bassella Motorcycle Museum and Barcelona.


El Museu de la Moto de Canillo és un museu de titularitat parroquial amb seu a Canillo, Andorra, dedicat a la mostra de motocicletes de tots els temps, des de finals del segle XIX fins a l'actualitat. Gestionat pel Comú de Canillo, és el primer d'aquestes característiques a Andorra i està situat al costat de Sant Joan de Caselles, vora la carretera general, als afores del poble de Canillo.
El centre compta amb la col·laboració del Museu de l'Automoció "Roda Roda" de Lleida i els Museus de la Moto de Bassella i Barcelona. presents here one of the many museum pages. We try to bring data for your direct information about all that is relevant. In the list (link above right) you find the complete listing of museums related to "Radio & Co." we have information of. Please help us to be complete and up to date by using the contact form above.



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