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Australian War Memorial

2612 Canberra - Campbell, Australia (Australian Capital Territory)

Address Treloar Crescent,
Floor area unfortunately not known yet  
Museum typ Exhibition
Military Museum in general
  • Trucks / Lorries
  • Armored vehicles
  • Military Aerospace
  • Arms
  • Amateur Radio / Military & Industry Radio

Opening times
daily 10am – 4pm, closed Christmas Day
All visitors require a free timed ticket to enter the Memorial Galleries and attend the Last Post Ceremony. Visitors are advised to book their free ticket in advance to guarantee entry.

Status from 11/2023
Free entry.

Tel.:+61-2-62 43-42 11   


Our page for Australian War Memorial in Canberra - Campbell, Australia, is administrated by a member. Please write to him about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
S35.281118° E149.148433°S35°16.86708' E149°8.90598'S35°16'52.0248" E149°8'54.3588"

The Memorial is located in Australia's capital, Canberra. It is the north terminus of the city's ceremonial land axis, which stretches from Parliament House on Capital Hill along a line passing through the summit of the cone-shaped Mount Ainslie to the northeast. No continuous roadway links the two points, but there is a clear line of sight from the front balcony of Parliament House to the War Memorial, and from the front steps of the War Memorial back to Parliament House.

Public transport

Regular bus services run between the City centre and the Memorial on route 10 on week days and 930/931 on weekends.
Public bus stops are located on Fairbairn Avenue and Limestone Avenue.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Australian War Memorial is Australia's national memorial to the members of its armed forces and supporting organisations who have died or participated in the wars of the Commonwealth of Australia. The memorial includes an extensive national military museum.

The Australian War Memorial consists of three parts: the Commemorative Area (shrine) including the Hall of Memory with the Tomb of the Unknown Australian Soldier, the Memorial's galleries (museum) and Research Centre (records). The Memorial also has an outdoor Sculpture Garden.

The Memorial building

The Memorial is a two-storey building with a floor plan in the shape of a cross.

The upper level is dedicated primarily to World War I (the entire west wing) and World War II (the entire east wing). In the World War I area there is extensive material pertaining to the Gallipoli campaign. Between the wings lies Aircraft Hall, which contains a number of complete aircraft, mostly from the World War II era.

The lower level contains a theatre, a research area, displays for the colonial and post–World War II conflicts and an area for temporary special exhibitions.

ANZAC Hall is a large annex to the upper level of the memorial, used for the display of large military hardware. Notable displays on the west side include a complete and particularly historic Lancaster bomber known as G for George, a Japanese Ko-hyoteki class midget submarine sunk during a raid on Sydney Harbour in 1942, rare German aircraft such as the Me 262 and Me 163, and a restored Japanese A6M Zero, that was flown in combat over New Guinea. The east side includes a World War I aircraft exhibition, notably displaying a Royal Aircraft Factory SE5a, Pzalz D.XII and Albatros D.Va, among others. presents here one of the many museum pages. We try to bring data for your direct information about all that is relevant. In the list (link above right) you find the complete listing of museums related to "Radio & Co." we have information of. Please help us to be complete and up to date by using the contact form above.



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