Mount Laura Homestead Museum

5608 Whyalla Norrie, Australie (South Australia)

Adresse Ekblom Street
Surface d'exposition - inconnue pour le moment  
Type de musée Exposition
Open Air Museum
  • Agricultural
  • Carriages
  • Air and Space
  • Craft
  • Combustion engines/generators/pumps
  • Printing technology
  • Mine- & Parc Railways
  • Radio and Kommunication in general
  • Industry / Production Technology
  • Home Appliances
  • Tractors

Heures d'ouverture
Monday to Friday 10.00am - 3.00pm, Sunday 1.00pm - 4.00pm

Situation de 02/2024
Adults: $7.00; Students & Children: $4.00; Concession: $5.00; Family: $12.00

Tel. :+61-8-8202-9200  Mail :admin  

Page web

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Localisation / directions
S33.029666° E137.534164°S33°1.77996' E137°32.04984'S33°1'46.7976" E137°32'2.9904"


The Lincoln Highway passes directly through Whyalla. The city is served by a coach bus service operated by Premier Stateliner which operates four services to and from Adelaide (via Port Augusta) each week day (less on weekends) and one service each way to Port Lincoln.

Whyalla Airport is 4 nautical miles (7.4 km; 4.6 mi) southwest of the city. It is served by Regional Express flying into Whyalla from Adelaide a number of times a day, and QantasLink which operates twice daily services from Adelaide

Whyalla Norrie is a suburb of Whyalla on the Eyre Peninsula of South Australia.

The Mount Laura Homestead National Trust Museum is located near the Westlands shopping centre.


The Mount Laura Station houses the Gay Street Cottage, garden, various buildings and vehicles.

Mount Laura Homestead Museum: The Museum consists of the Station Homestead (constructed in 1922) a 9 room homestead filled with artefacts and information about Whyalla’s past.  Each room focuses on a different theme, with the front room filled with photographs from the beginnings of Hummock Hill/Whyalla. Other rooms feature information and memorabilia about industry, education, businesses and sporting history.

The Gay Street Cottage & Wash House, rescued from demolition and transported to the site in 1976 from its original location at the foot of Hummock Hill, is filled with domestic items from the 1900’s which highlight progress in domestic life from the beginning of the 20th Century.

Whyalla Gaol, built in 1914 has been transported from the corner of McBryde Terrace and Jamieson Street to Mount Laura Homestead Museum for preservation.

The Nicolson and Lions Engine Sheds display historical machinery including stationary engines from the past that assisted in the pastoral and industrial development of this region.

The Blacksmith Shop contains equipment once used by Broken Hill Proprietary Limited. Thanks to Mr Brian Barber, National Trust Member of some 30 years, who purchased the equipment and kindly allows its display and use to demonstrate the importance of this technology from the past.

Brian Barber Harness Shed is filled to capacity with examples of early modes of transport. Mr Barber’s private collection of horse drawn carriages provides an extensive picture of the history of the movement of people and goods as well as the distance issues faced by past generations.

For Telecommunications see Mount Laura Homestead Telecommunications Museum.

Steam Train & Ore Truck were transferred from Broken Hill to Hummock Hill by BHP in 1902. The Steam Train was in service until 1962 bringing ore from the Iron Knob Mines on the company tram line. vous présente ici une des nombreuses pages sur les musées. Nous essayons de vous y apporter toutes les informations qui y sont liées. Dans la liste (lien en haut à droite), vous trouverez la liste de tous les musées (radio et technique) pour lesquels nous avons des informations. Vous pouvez nous aider en complétant cette liste avec des informations en utilisant le Formulaire de Contact.



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