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Brienz Rothorn Bahn |
3855 Brienz, Switzerland (Bern) |
Address |
Hauptstrasse 149
Floor area | unfortunately not known yet |
Opening times
see: www.brienz-rothorn-bahn.ch/en/experience/railway/timetable.html
siehe: www.brienz-rothorn-bahn.ch/erleben/bahn/fahrplan.html
Status from 09/2015
Train rides see: www.brienz-rothorn-bahn.ch/en/experience/railway/prices.html
workshop tours see: www.brienz-rothorn-bahn.ch/en/experience/railway/workshop-tours.html Bergbahnfahrten: www.brienz-rothorn-bahn.ch/erleben/bahn/fahrpreise.html Betriebsbesichtigung: www.brienz-rothorn-bahn.ch/erleben/bahn/betriebsbesichtigungen.html |
Contact |
Homepage | www.brienz-rothorn-bahn.ch |
Location / Directions |
By carFrom Interlaken, Brienz is a short 25 minute drive away along the shores of Lake Brienz. From Lucerne the picturesque drive over the Brunig Pass takes about 1 hour.Ample car parking is available in Brienz and is well sign posted. A full day costs about 5:00 CHF. Parking for Coaches is also available and is provided free of charge. By trainThe Zentralbahn (Central Railway) operates a direct service from Lucerne and Interlaken to Brienz. The Brienz Rothorn Railway is situated opposite the Central Railway station and provides connecting services.By shipFor a trip that provides something extra why not travel from Interlaken by ship direct to Brienz. The quay at Brienz is opposite the Brienz Rothorn Railway. The lake trip will take about 1 hour 15 mins. |
Location / Directions (other) |
自動車の場合インターラーケンから高速道路を使って25分。ルツェルンからはブリューニッヒ峠を越えて45分。道路は整備されていて渋滞も滅多に起こりません。駐車場(有料)はブリエンツ駅周辺にわかりやすく表示してあります。駅から東へ徒歩5分の村役場には長期滞在者用の駐車場(無料)もございます。列車の場合インターラーケンまたはブリューニッヒ峠を越えてルツェルン経由の国鉄でお越しいただけます。国鉄の駅はロートホルン鉄道駅の向かいになります。船の場合インターラーケンからブリエンツの遊歩道の桟橋に到着します。船上からロートホルン鉄道の駅が見えます。ブリエンツ湖の桟橋からは徒歩3分です。 |
Description | Technical detailsLength: 7,6 kmDifference in altidude (from 566 to 2244 m above sea level): 1678 m Smallest curve radius: 60 m Gradient: In railway technology, the inclination of a slope is not measured in degrees but in metres per kilometre. This means the height difference in 0/00 of horizontal distance. For example: if a point is located 100m higher at a distance of 1 kilometre the gradient is 100 0/00. The Brienz Rothorn Railway has an average gradient of 225 0/00 and a maximum gradient of 250 0/00. Comparable to 1 in 4 or 25% in road terminology. The way the BRB masters this challenge is by employing the Abt dual rack and pinion system. Summary of locomotivesSummary of locomotivesDuring 200 years of steam locomotive history and development, all advancements have been based on the basic principles laid down and agreed upon in 1825. These fundamental rules are to be seen in the steam locomotives employed on the BRB, although we operate 3 generations of steam traction with 105 years of development between them the techniques, methods and skills demanded of our footplate crews are the same as in 1825. These skills are used today to convey your train safely on Switzerland’s premier mountain railway.Details see: www.brienz-rothorn-bahn.ch/en/information/technology/locomotives.html Insight into daily life behind the scenes of a commercial steam railwayFor anyone interested in a little of the history and view behind the scenes, of the Brienz Rothorn Railway, consider taking our Workshops Tour. Our tours are about one hour in length, questions and interest however often extend this estimate somewhat. During the tour you will learn about the history of the railway, from its construction through to the present day. Details of the infrastructure and of course the individual locomotives and wagons will be revealed in as much detail as you wish to ask for. Don’t be under the impression though that this tour is aimed purely at the male audiences, it isn’t, there is guaranteed to be something for everyone who has an enquiring mind.This is a tour of the workshops and engine shed of the premier steam railway in Switzerland. If one considers the fact that the Brienz Rothorn Railway is also 100% rack adhesion, this is a very rare opportunity indeed and worthy of any visitor’s time. |
Description (other) |
他では見られない、標高2350mのベルナーオーバーラントのパノラマをご堪能ください。 タイムテーブル, 料金, アクセス をご参照ください。 ご興味のある方には 車庫見学 をお楽しみいただけます。 個人客, ファミリー、グループ 向けの様々なオファーをさせていただいております。ご質問がございましたらお気軽にどうぞ。 連絡先 車庫見学ちょっと舞台裏を覗いてブリエンツ・ロートホルン鉄道についての知識を深めてみませんか。 ブリエンツ・ロートホルン鉄道の歴史について見聞を深めたい方、また舞台裏の車庫を見たい方には車庫見学のご予約をお勧めします。1時間のご案内の間に面白い、わくわくするような情報をお届けします。同時にブリエンツァーロートホルン山に毎日登るために必要なSLの準備を間近でご覧いただけます。老若男女を問わず、どなたにもお楽しみいただけるイベントです。最近では女性にも鉄道テーマに興味を持たれる方が増えてきました。料金 25名まで 15 0スイスフラン 25名までの生徒 100スイスフラン 26名から50名まで 3 0 0 スイスフラン 技術的な理由により車庫見学は午前9時30分をお勧めします。 車庫見学のご案内は英・独・仏の3カ国語が可能です。 |
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