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8320 Fehraltorf, Switzerland (Zürich)

Address Empfangshalle von Electrosuisse
Luppmenstrasse 1 
Floor area unfortunately not known yet  
Museum typ Exhibition
Technical Museum in general
  • Typewriter, calculating and coding
  • Surveying Equipment
  • Tubes/Valves / Semiconductors
  • Wire- & tape recording
  • Record players with pick up
  • Steam engines-models
  • Photo cameras and slide projectors
  • Clocks and Watches
  • Electricity / Magnetism
  • Electric motors/generators/pumps
  • Technical and functional models
  • Optics
  • Radios (Broadcast receivers)
  • Telephone / Telex
  • Morse technology
  • Measuring Instruments, Lab Equipment
  • Gramophone (no electrical sound transmission)
  • Lamps and Light
  • Hydropower or muscle pumps
  • Electrical Applications
  • Appliances (Scales, Stamping, etc.)
  • Home Appliances

Opening times
wie Electrosuisse: Montag bis Freitag von 07:30 bis 12:00 und von 13:00 bis 17:00 Uhr

Status from 10/2015
Free entry.

Tel.:+41-44-956 11 70  eMail:anita.serafini  


Our page for in Fehraltorf, Switzerland, is not yet administrated by a member. Please write to us about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N47.386455° E8.748393°N47°23.18730' E8°44.90358'N47°23'11.2380" E8°44'54.2148"

Fehraltorf erreicht man von Zürich Hbf in 25 Minuten mit der S3.

Some example model pages for sets you can see there:

CH: Zellweger AG; Uster 4-Lampen-Apparat EV4 (1924/25)
D: AEG Radios Allg. Vierröhren-Verstärker KF4 (K4) (1916?)
D: Telefunken Telefunkon H (1924-27)
D: Telefunken Kopfhörer EH333 (1924-29)
D: Philips Radios - Gleichrichter 450 (1926-34)
D: Loewe-Opta; FE63 (1929-31)
D: Hartmann & Braun AG; Multavi II (2) (1933-60)
D: Philips Radios - Deutscher Kleinempfänger 1938 DKE38 (1938-40)
NL: Philips; Eindhoven Oszillograph GM5656 (1955?)
NL: Philips; Eindhoven RC-Generator GM-2317 /03 /04 (1964)
USA: Ampex; San Carlos, Portable Amplifier-Speaker 620 (1954)

Some example tube pages for sets you can see there:

Full-Wave Cold-cathode- Anotron
Full-Wave Vacuum Rectifier AZ12 (1938)
Triode, vacuum A11 (1927)
Space Charge Tetrode A241 (1925)
Triode, vacuum A409 (1925)
Triode, vacuum A410
Screen-grid Tetrode A442 (1927)
Gas Diode BD21
Triode, vacuum B-II (1922-26)
Ignitron BK24/5552A
Thyratron Cold-cathode BR11
Thyratron Cold-cathode BT31
Transmitter Tetrode, liquid- CQK200-4
Thyratron CX1140
Triode, vacuum CX345
Oscilloscope CRT, picture tube DG13-54
Dual-Grid Tetrode DG407/0
Gas Triode D-I
Triode, vacuum DISCUS
Transmitter Triode, liquid- DTuk8/5
Half-Wave Rectifier, inert gas DX2_BBC
Signal Diode - one single EA52
Double Pentode EFF51 (1941)
HEPTODE EH2 (1937)
Vacuum Pentode EL12 (1938)
Triode, vacuum E_Philips
Triode, vacuum EVE173 (1917)
Dekatron EZ10B
Oscilloscope CRT, picture tube E10-12GP
Transmitting Triode, air E301
Vacuum Pentode E443N (1930)
Half-Wave Vacuum Rectifier GH32
Half-Wave Vacuum Rectifier GH74
Thyratron Cold-cathode GK11
Thyratron Cold-cathode GR32
Dekatron GZ22
Triode, vacuum G407
Full-Wave Vacuum Rectifier G4200 (1929)
Triode, vacuum HF75
Triode, vacuum HR406
Oscilloscope CRT, picture tube LB7/15
Vacuum Pentode L43
Transmitting Triode, air OQQ151/3000
Transmitting Triode, air OQQ55/1500
Thyratron PL17
Thyratron PL5
Triode, vacuum RE054 (1926)
Triode, vacuum RE064 (1926)
Space Charge Tetrode RE073d (1926)
Space Charge Tetrode RE074d (1928)
Triode, vacuum RE134 (1926)
Triode, vacuum RE144 (1926)
Triode, vacuum RE16C-II
Triode, vacuum RE209 (1925)
Triode, vacuum RE38
Triode, vacuum RE604 (1928)
Full-Wave Cold-cathode- RGN1500 (1928)
Half-Wave Mercury-Vapor RG250/3000
Transmitting Tube, Pentode, RL12P35
Transmitting Triode, air RS282
Transmitting Triode, air RS329g
Transmitting Triode, air RS5 (1918)
Transmitting Triode, air RS55
Triode, vacuum RV2400 (1928)
Triode, vacuum RV258 (1928)
ANY OTHER - NOT A TUBE, Schleifen-Messwerk
Transmitting Triode, air ST62_Metrum
Transmitting Triode, air ST86
Transmitting Triode, air TA10/1250
Transmitting Triode, air TB3/750-01
Transmitting Triode, air TB4/1250
Transmitting Triode, air TH308
Electrometer, Space Charge T113
Triode, vacuum T50-1
Half-Wave Vacuum Rectifier V1
Half-Wave Vacuum Rectifier V150/502p
Half-Wave Vacuum Rectifier V150/812p
MULTI-SYSTEM, internal WG36 (1934)
High Voltage Full-Wave Mercury WHE
Reflex Klystron X-13
Triode, vacuum ZOUG
Half-Wave Vacuum Rectifier 1B3GT (1946)
Half-Wave Cold-cathode- 1091
Full-Wave Rectifier inert gas 1119
Full-Wave Rectifier gas filled 1129
Thyratron 1607_Philips
Beam Power Tube 1624
Full-Wave Rectifier gas filled 1725A
Transmitting Triode, air 212D (1919)
Screen-grid Tetrode 224A
MULTI-SYSTEM, internal 3NFW (1929)
Photocell High vakuum 3512
Full-Wave Rectifier inert gas 367
Transmitting Triode, air 4316A
Screen-grid Tetrode 4610
Vacuum Pentode 4636
Triode, vacuum 4671
Photomultiplier 54AVP
Transmitting Triode, air 5514
High-vacuum Rectifier 576A
Vacuum Pentode 6AG7
Vacuum Pentode 6D6 (1933)
Mag. Eye, 1 shadow angle 6E5 (1935)
Half-Wave Vacuum Rectifier 72529
Half-Wave Vacuum Rectifier 72539
Full-Wave Vacuum Rectifier 80 (1927)


Electrosuisse, Verband für Elektro-, Energie- und Informationstechnik ist ein Schweizer Fachverband auf dem Gebiet der Elektro-, Energie- und Informationstechnik.

Die Sammlung Acklin

Am 1. September 1945 trat Willy Acklin als junger Elektroingenieur ETH die Stelle als Betriebsingenieur beim damaligen Schweizerischen Elektrotechnischen Verein (SEV) an. Sein grosses Hobby war das Sammeln elektrotechnischer Apparate aller Art. Als er Mitte März 1980 im Alter von 65 Jahren in den Ruhestand trat, bestand seine Kollektion aus rund 2500 Exponaten – darunter auch viele Raritäten –, mit welchen sich die Entwicklungen in der Elektrotechnik lückenlos dokumentieren lassen.

Um diesen Fundus an Messinstrumenten, Beleuchtungskörpern, Telefonapparaten und andern elektrotechnischen Geräten der Nachwelt zu erhalten, übernahm der SEV im Frühjahr 1987 die vollständige Sammlung, die seit dann offiziell den Namen «Sammlung Acklin» trägt.

In der Empfangshalle von Electrosuisse in Fehraltorf sind einige dieser Kostbarkeiten jeweils für einige Monate in den Vitrinen ausgestellt. presents here one of the many museum pages. We try to bring data for your direct information about all that is relevant. In the list (link above right) you find the complete listing of museums related to "Radio & Co." we have information of. Please help us to be complete and up to date by using the contact form above.



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