Antique radios, Old Time Radios
BraunSammlung - BraunCollection
61476 Kronberg im Taunus, Germany (Hessen) |
Address |
Westerbachstraße 23 C
Floor area |
350 m² / 3 767 ft²
Area for radios (if not the same)
350 m² / 3 767 ft²
- TV and image recording
- Wire- & tape recording
- Record players with pick up
- Clocks and Watches
- Home Appliances
Opening times
Dienstag-Sonntag: 11.00-17.00 Uhr
Status from 11/2023
7-17 Jahre: 1,50 €; Erwachsene: 3 € |
Contact |
Tel.: | +49-6173-30-21 88 | eMail: | info |
Homepage |
Our page for BraunSammlung - BraunCollection in Kronberg im Taunus, Germany, is not yet administrated by a member. Please write to us about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.
Location / Directions |
N50.172839° E8.528753° | N50°10.37034' E8°31.72518' | N50°10'22.2204" E8°31'43.5108" |
Schienenverkehr und öffentlicher Personennahverkehr
Kronberg ist Endpunkt der Frankfurter S-Bahn-Linie S4, der Nachfolgerin der Kronberger Bahn, und verbindet Kronberg mit der Frankfurter Innenstadt, dem Hauptbahnhof und der Nachbarstadt Eschborn
Dazu existiert in Kronberg seit 2001 ein Stadtbusnetz aus drei Linien. Es ist genau wie die S-Bahn in den Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund integriert
Überörtliche Straßenanbindung
Am nördlichen Rand Kronbergs verläuft die B 455 als Umgehungsstraße von Wiesbaden nach Bad Homburg, so erreicht man von Kronberg schnell die A 3 und A 661. In südlicher Richtung erreicht man schnell die A 5 und A 66.
Die BraunSammlung finden Sie im WesterbachCenter nördlich direkt hinter der Braun Hauptverwaltung in Kronberg.
Some example model pages for sets you can see there:
D: Braun; Frankfurt
137W (1936-38)
D: Braun; Frankfurt
239W (1937/38)
D: Braun; Frankfurt
450GW (1949/50)
D: Braun; Frankfurt
4650W (1949/50)
D: Braun; Frankfurt
560W (1950/51)
D: Braun; Frankfurt
combi (1955-57)
D: Braun; Frankfurt
PC3 (1957-59)
D: Braun; Frankfurt
PC3SV (1959-61)
BraunCollection Kronberg
The BraunCollection in Kronberg brings to life more than 90 years of Braun’s company and brand heritage. It also documents a piece of contemporary history. Founded in 2005 by the BraunCollection Funding Association, the collection was moved to new premises and reopened on April 9, 2014 with an extended exhibition.
Almost 1000 exhibits illustrate the development of Braun’s design and innovations from the beginning until today. All the different product categories are represented, including the first Braun radio, the world-famous record player SK4 aka “Snow White’s coffin”, as well as the most recent products, for example the best rated dry shaver in Stiftung Warentest, the Braun Series 7.
The exhibition is dedicated to the beginnings of the company in 1921 and the milestones of Braun design throughout the last 60 years. Additionally featuring around 30 new products that showcase Braun’s current design language, it not only reviews the past but also provides a vision of the future.
The permanent exhibition of the BraunCollection has been designed interactively. Video material and iPads enable visitors to review more in-depth information around the different featured topics.
The new highlight of the collection is the walk-in archive. For the first time, it gives visitors the opportunity to explore exactly 666 of more than 9000 treasures which had been locked away before. Included are also less famous products, for example the electronics construction set Lectron. | presents here one of the many museum pages. We try to bring data for your direct information about all that is relevant. In the list (link above right) you find the complete listing of museums related to "Radio & Co." we have information of. Please help us to be complete and up to date by using the
contact form above.
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