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DDR-Museum Gelenau

09423 Gelenau, Germany (Sachsen)

Address Straße der Einheit 11
Floor area unfortunately not known yet  
Museum typ Exhibition
Heritage- or City Museum
  • Model Railway
  • Tin Plate Toys
  • TV and image recording
  • Wire- & tape recording
  • Record players with pick up
  • Photo cameras and slide projectors
  • Toys
  • Radios (Broadcast receivers)
  • Telephone / Telex
  • Home Appliances

Opening times
Freitag: 13 - 17 Uhr; Samstag, Sonntag: 11 - 17 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung

Status from 08/2020
Erwachsene: 3.00 Euro; ermäßigt 2,00 €

Tel.:+49-37 297-70 33  Fax:+49-37 297-70 33  


Our page for DDR-Museum Gelenau in Gelenau, Germany, is not yet administrated by a member. Please write to us about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N50.710370° E12.992523°N50°42.62220' E12°59.55138'N50°42'37.3320" E12°59'33.0828"


Sei es die Wohnungseinrichtung, der 'Tante-Emma-Laden', die Spielsachen oder die alte Schulbank - hier findet sich fast alles wieder und hier können Erinnerungen an gute oder auch schlechte Zeiten aufgefrischt werden. presents here one of the many museum pages. We try to bring data for your direct information about all that is relevant. In the list (link above right) you find the complete listing of museums related to "Radio & Co." we have information of. Please help us to be complete and up to date by using the contact form above.



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