DDR Museums Zeitreise


01445 Radebeul, Germany (Sachsen)

Address Wasastrasse 50
Floor area 3 500 m² / 37 674 ft²   Area for radios (if not the same) 300 m² / 3 229 ft²
Museum typ Exhibition
Heritage- or City Museum
  • Passenger cars
  • Model Railway
  • Tin Plate Toys
  • Typewriter, calculating and coding
  • Model Cars
  • Model Ships
  • Wire- & tape recording
  • Record players with pick up
  • Photo cameras and slide projectors
  • Model Aircraft and Aviation
  • Craft
  • Military technology
  • Electronic Musical Instruments
  • Radios (Broadcast receivers)
  • Telephone / Telex
  • Computer / Informatic
  • Biology / Medicine
  • Construction kit
  • Audio amplifier
  • Radio and Kommunication in general
  • Amateur Radio / Military & Industry Radio
  • Appliances (Scales, Stamping, etc.)
  • Home Appliances
  • Movie recording and playback
  • Post

Opening times
Das DDR-Museum Zeitreise bestand von 2006 bis 2016

Status from 04/2021


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Location / Directions
N51.103252° E13.668623°N51°6.19512' E13°40.11738'N51°6'11.7072" E13°40'7.0428"

Mit der Bahn:
Ab Dresden Hauptbahnhof oder Bhf Dresden Neustadt mit der S-Bahn S1 Richtung Meißen Triebischtal bis Bhf Radebeul Ost.

Mit dem ÖPVN:
Strassenbahnlinie 4

Mit dem Auto:
An der Autobahnabfahrt Dresden Neustadt fahren Sie bitte Richtung Radebeul (Kötzschenbroder Str.) bis zur Kreuzung Spitzhausstr (Tankstelle rechterhand). Dort halbrechts in die Spitzhausstr. einbiegen und der Hauptstraße über die Kaditzer Str. und die Schilden Str. bis zur Kreuzung Meißner Str. folgen. Nun biegen Sie bitte links auf die Meißner Str. ab. Nach ca. 400 m biegen Sie links in die Wasastr. ein. Die vier Gebäude des Wasaparks erreichen Sie nun über den Eingang 1 Wasastr. 50.

Some example model pages for sets you can see there:

CS: Tesla; Praha, Uran Transistor ANP401 (1966-69)
CS: Tesla; Praha, B41 ANP225 (1966-70)
CS: Tesla; Praha, B46 ANP253 (1967-70)
CS: Tesla; Praha, Stereo-Magnetbandgerät B 56 (1970-72)
CS: Tesla; Praha, B54 ANP230A (1971-73)
CS: Tesla; Praha, B115 hifi ANP268 (1981-85)
CS: Tesla; Praha, High Fidelity Tape Deck B116 (1983-86)
CS: Tesla; Praha, Tonbandgerät B-730 (1985-87)
D: Stern-Radio Naumburg 875/55GWU (1954/55)
D: Stern-Radio Staßfurt Tannhäuser 10E153 (1955/56)
D: Stern-Radio Staßfurt Traviata 8E151A (1955/56)
D: Funkwerk Dresden, AM/FM-Super Dominante Wechselstrom 1132.7 (1956/57)
D: Stern-Radio Sonneberg Consul 697/57WUS (1956/57)
D: Messgerätewerk Smaragd BG20/3 (1958/59)
D: Technisch- Picoskop EO1/7 - TPW (1958?)
D: Stern-Radio Rochlitz Stradivari 3 Stereo 1142.013-00001 Sp (1959/60)
D: Stern-Radio Rochlitz Türkis (1961-63)
D: Messgerätewerk Magnettongerät BG26-1 (1963/64)
D: Stern-Radio Weimar 5140A (1964)
D: Messgerätewerk Banddiktiergerät BG22 (1964-66)
D: Messtechnik Vielfachmesser III (3) (1968?)
D: Feutron Greiz, VEB; Stelltransformator 1223 (1968??)
D: Fernseh-Radio Berlin Stereo-Verstärker HV15 (1971/72)
D: REMA, Fabrik für Mono 230 (1972)
D: Fernseh-Radio Berlin Tuner HV15 (1972)
D: Funkwerk Köpenick, VHF / UHF - Empfänger 2170 (1973-83?)
D: Präcitronic Dresden, Kurzzeit-Messgerät MT10 (1974)
D: Funkwerk Zittau, VEB Ziphona Türkis 524/1 (1975-78)
D: Stern-Radio Proxima 401 (1975/76)
D: Polytronic, VEB; ex. Baukastensystem Elektronik 6 (1975?)
D: REMA, Fabrik für Toccata 940 hifi (1976-81)
D: Robotron Rechen- und Stereo Set 4000 (1977)
D: Robotron-Elektronik Minora 1101 (1978-83)
D: Stern-Radio Berlin, Armeerundfunkempfänger ARE 80 (1978-85??)
D: Elektronik Gera, VEB Geracord GC-6020 Portable (1980-82)
D: Phonotechnik Pirna/ MA224 (1980/81)
D: Robotron RS 5001 (1982)
D: Robotron Rechen- und Stereo-Set 4001/1 (1982)
D: Stern-Radio ST3000HIFI (1982)
D: Radio und Fernsehen Antennenpegelmessgerät AMS531 (AMS531K) (1982-86?)
D: Stern-Radio Staßfurt Debüt 1001 (1984)
D: REMA, Fabrik für Marcato RX41 (1984)
D: Stern-Radio Berlin, SKR700 (1984-89)
D: REMA, Fabrik für Tonica RX80 (1985?)
D: Klingenthaler Vermona Regent 1000H (1985??)
D: Stern-Radio Staßfurt Colorlux 4226 (1986)
D: Elektronik Gera, VEB Geracord GC6131 (1986)
D: Statron, VEB Ostd.; HiFi Bassreflexbox BR25E (1986-89?)
D: Elektronik Gera, VEB Bürodiktiergerät BDG2000 (1986/87)
D: Elektronik Gera, VEB LCR-C Data (1987/88)
LV: Radiotehnika RT - Salut(Saluts)(Salute)(Euromatic) 001 (1977-88?)
PL: Unitra ZRK, Zaklady ZK120T (1970-77?)
PL: Unitra ZRK, Zaklady ZK140T de Luxe (1970?)
PL: Unitra ZRK, Zaklady M2404S (1977)
PL: Unitra ZRK, Zaklady Uwertura Stereo M1417S (1977)
SU: Komunist Works; Jupiter 202 - Stereo (1974-79?)
SU: Moscow Radio Ûnost' {Юность} [Junost ] 401B (1976?)


Life behind the Iron Curtain

How was life in the German Democratic Republic ? Go through the experience of a realistic life travel through the past

We take you through all the areas of day-to-day living of the German Democratic Republic and their citizens. You will be surprised by what our exhibition in Radebeul has to offer. With cultural activities and historical atmosphere we take you to a world, in which you will experience forgotten awareness of life of the past. The difference here comparing to every day life is so intense, you will not forget the “Ostalgie (eastern nostalgic) impressions” for some time.

The philosophy of the “DDR Museum Zeitreise” (German Democratic Republic museum time travel) it is, to represent matters with a partly political background, which is already subject to be taught, shown and discussed in history classes. It neither concerns the history of the German Democratic Republic described as many times before and its mechanisms of suppression, nor does it focus the time of the past called “Ostalgie”, but the perfectly normal every day life with its articles of daily use, institutions and their organizations, living, fashion, children, shopping, holidays and recreation, as well as the high topic mobility, are the subjects dealt with, here. presents here one of the many museum pages. We try to bring data for your direct information about all that is relevant. In the list (link above right) you find the complete listing of museums related to "Radio & Co." we have information of. Please help us to be complete and up to date by using the contact form above.



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