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06108 Halle (Saale), Germany (Sachsen-Anhalt)

Address Große Nikolaistraße 5
Floor area 550 m² / 5 920 ft²  
Museum typ Exhibition
Mechanical Music Instruments
  • Electronic Musical Instruments
  • Media
  • Heritage- or City Museum

Opening times
April - October: 10am - 6pm; November - March: 10am - 5pm
On concert days of the series "Music in the Handel House" the museum is open until shortly before the concert begins.
April - Oktober: 10:00 - 18:00 Uhr; November - März: 10:00 - 17:00 Uhr
Das Museum ist an Konzerttagen der Reihe „Musik im Händel-Haus“ bis kurz vor Konzertbeginn geöffnet.

Status from 06/2023
Single ticket: 6,00 €; reduced: 4,50 €; Family: 12 €
Audio tour in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish: free of charge.
Personal guided tour, duration: 1 - 1½ hours, max. 25 persons: 65 € per group in EN.
Einzelkarte: 6,00 €; ermäßigt: 4,50 €; Familie: 12 €
Audio-Führung: kostenfrei
Persönliche Führung, Dauer: 1 - 1½ Stunden, max. 25 Personen: 55 € pro Gruppe.

Tel.:49-345-50 09 02 19  eMail:museumspaedagogik  


Our page for Händel-Haus in Halle (Saale), Germany, is not yet administrated by a member. Please write to us about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N51.484052° E11.966957°N51°29.04312' E11°58.01742'N51°29'2.5872" E11°58'1.0452"

zu Fuß
ab Hauptbahnhof 20 Minuten Fußweg bzw. ab Marktplatz 5 Minuten Fußweg

mit der Straßenbahn
Haltestellen Marktplatz, Neues Theater oder Hallmarkt mit jeweils 5 Minuten Fußweg

mit dem PKW
Autobahn aus Norden und Süden via A9: Abfahrt Halle (Saale) Autobahn aus Westen und Osten via A14: Abfahrt Halle (Saale) Bundesstraßen: B6, B80, B91, B100

Some example model pages for sets you can see there:

D: Bechstein, Carl, Neo-Bechstein Flügel (1931)


Musical Gems: Historical Musical Instruments

In an adjoining modern building accessible directly from the historic Handel House (including disabled access), the majority of the 750 historical musical instruments making up the collection are on display. Today, it represents one of the most important collections in Central Germany. Here you can view valuable exhibits of all types of musical instrument – and even hear some of them.

The gems of the collection include a Flemish harpsichord from 1599, a fortepiano from the time of Mozart and a late Baroque church organ, as well as rare objects and curiosities ranging from a glass harmonica to an olifant and a cane violin and also including mechanical musical instruments. The development of the keyboard instrument can be traced through exhibits such as the clavichord, the harpsichord and the fortepiano, right up to the modern grand piano. You can try playing a number of replicas yourself.

Moreover, the Sound Studio invites you to take an active part. In a number of simple experiments, it shows how musical instruments and the human voice produce sound, explaining acoustic phe-nomena in a fun way.

Handel – The European

Exciting and Rewarded

Until his eighteenth year, George Frideric Handel lived in the house called Zum Gelben Hirschen – „The Yellow Hart“. The house of his birth, a listed historical monument, has been a museum since 1948 and today it welcomes visitors from all over the world. They come to visit the award-winning exhibition „Handel – The European“ which covers more than 600m² of floor space over two storeys and depicts the life and work of the composer with the aid of historical exhibits. The bright, cheerful rooms present historical musical instruments, paintings, drawings, prints and first editions, but also offer modern media stations and a small projection theatre where five to ten-minute-long excerpts from Handel’s operas can be viewed in a fun way. presents here one of the many museum pages. We try to bring data for your direct information about all that is relevant. In the list (link above right) you find the complete listing of museums related to "Radio & Co." we have information of. Please help us to be complete and up to date by using the contact form above.



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