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90537 Feucht bei Nürnberg, Germany (Bayern)

Address Pfinzingstraße 12-14
Floor area unfortunately not known yet  
Museum typ
Air and Space (aviation, spaceflight etc.)

Opening times
Saturday and Sunday from 14:00 till 17:00, or by appointment
Samstag und Sonntag 14.00 Uhr bis 17.00 Uhr, oder nach Vereinbarung

Status from 2011
We don't know the fees.

Tel.:+49-9128-3502  Fax:+49-9128-14 920  


Our page for Hermann-Oberth-Raumfahrt-Museum in Feucht bei Nürnberg, Germany, is not yet administrated by a member. Please write to us about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N49.375030° E11.211680°N49°22.50180' E11°12.70080'N49°22'30.1080" E11°12'42.0480"

Sie erreichen uns mit den Buslinien 678 und 501.

* Mit S-Bahn und Zug, Bahnhof Feucht, 10 Minuten Fußweg.

* Mit dem PKW von der A9 auf die A73:
An der Ausfahrt Feucht von der Autobahn abfahren. 1. Ampel links nach Feucht abbiegen (Schwabacher Straße). An der nächsten Ampel ebenfalls links in die Friedrich-Ebert-Straße abbiegen. Erste Kreuzung rechts in die Pfinzingstraße, 300 m bis zum Museum - vor dem Pfinzingschloss bzw. rechts zum Parkplatz an der Reichswaldhalle.

* Die grüne Schilder verweisen auf unser Museum und andere Sehenswürdigkeiten in Feucht.

Description Text from Hermann-Oberth-Raumfahrt-Museum e.V.:

The Museum

In appreciation of the contributions of Hermann Oberth, the "Hermann Oberth Society" in 1971 founded the "Hermann Oberth Space Museum" in Feucht, a small town near Nuremberg. Since 1989 the borough of Feucht provides the present building for the museum, which has an exhibition-area of 160m².

Numerous originals, models, text-and picture posters, and exhibits lent by American-, Soviet- and European space-agencies tell about the history and development of this future-oriented technology. Thus, besides many other exhibits, one can admire the space-suite of a Russian cosmonaut, the overall worn by the German D1-astronaut Ernst Messerschmid, a life-size model of "Sputnik I", and the third stage of the carrier-rocket "Europa I".

Besides the exhibition area on the first floor of the museum, a "space-cinema" on the second floor offers a large selection of spectacular movies about rockets and space travel, starting with early attempts of launching rockets up to the latest space-feats.

A significant part of the work of the museum consists in cataloging German and international space-history. The goal of this meticulous detective-work is to render a continuous story from the early beginnings, and make Feucht to the "Mekka" of German space-history.

The "Book-Shop" finally concludes the items that are offered by the Museum. Here one can buy the trend-setting publications and books of Hermann Oberth, his biography, and other publications pertaining to space-travel, as well memorial coins and posters.

The Youth Program

Here, our theme, mentioned at the beginning "Adventure Space-Travel" becomes reality.

According to the motto "experiencing - amazement - experimenting - comprehending" children and adolescents can learn, in a playfull manner, using fascinating and scientifically interesting objects.

Our museum enables all visitors to become familiar with the fascinating topic of space travel. With the help of posters and experiments the principles of rocketry are brought nearer. Numerous experiments facilitate comprehension of the often complex and intricate processes that go on in rockets.

Experiments with vacuum(pump)

For this, the multi-facetted theme "space-technic" was divided into three basic topics: "Gravitation, Thrust, and Vacuum". The concept of the house is a "Museum to Touch".

In the course of many years we have acquired from the German aerospace industry crates full of genuine materials that are used in rockets and satallites. These are labeled with respect to material composition, source, and usage, and may be touched and inspected by the youngsters.

We offer children and young people also other stimuli to get interested in rocketry. On demand, we stage birthday parties in the museum; are putting together small model-rockets that can be flown, and many other things. Grown-ups also like these programs, and consider them much fun as well as instructive.

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