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Sonnenobservatorium Einsteinturm

14473 Potsdam, Germany (Brandenburg)

Address im „Wissenschaftspark Albert Einstein“
Floor area unfortunately not known yet  
Museum typ Exhibition
  • Architecture
  • Optics

Opening times
Der "Wissenschaftspark Albert Einstein" ist tagsüber für Besucher geöffnet, Gäste müssen sich am Eingang anmelden.
Der Besuch des Inneren ist nur im Winterhalbjahr und nur im Rahmen von Führungen möglich. Eine Anmeldung für alle Urania-Veranstaltungen ist daher unbedingt erforderlich!

Status from 10/2020
We don't know the fees.

Tel.:+49-331- 29 17 41  Fax:+49-331-29 36 83  


Our page for Sonnenobservatorium Einsteinturm in Potsdam, Germany, is not yet administrated by a member. Please write to us about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N52.378964° E13.063852°N52°22.73784' E13°3.83112'N52°22'44.2704" E13°3'49.8672"

Potsdam befindet sich südwestlich von Berlin, an das es direkt angrenzt, am Mittellauf der Havel in einer Wald- und Seenlandschaft.

Der Telegrafenberg (ältere Schreibweise Telegraphenberg) ist eine 94 Meter hohe Erhebung im Südwesten Potsdams, die zum Saarmunder Endmoränenbogen gehört.

Der Wissenschaftspark Albert Einstein befindet sich mit weiteren Forschungseinrichtungen auf dem Telegrafenberg in Potsdam.


The Einstein Tower is an astrophysical observatory in the Albert Einstein Science Park in Potsdam, Germany built by architect Erich Mendelsohn. It was built on the summit of the Potsdam Telegraphenberg to house a solar telescope designed by the astronomer Erwin Finlay-Freundlich. The telescope supports experiments and observations to validate (or disprove) Albert Einstein's relativity theory.

Equipment and initial research focus

In tower telescopes a coelostat (a system with two deflecting mirrors, pronounced "seelostat") at the top of a vertical construction directs light down to an objective. The actual lens system is rigidly integrated into the construction. The mirrors at the top are movable and only these small lightweight instrument components are needed to track the sun. Because of the vertical arrangement, air turbulence near the ground has virtually no effect.

In the Einstein Tower the construction containing the optics consists of two wooden platforms, each six m high, placed one above the other. The telescope has a lens objective of 60 cm diameter and focal length of 14 m. Rooms for observations and measurements are located at the base of the tower. In Potsdam they are arranged horizontally. Another rotating mirror directs the sunlight to the spectrograph lab located in the basement behind an earthen wall on the southern side of the tower. It is about 14 m long and thermally insulated. Here is where the light is split up into its spectral components and analyzed. This design of a horizontal laboratory wing led to the elongated profile of the entire facility.

Present work

The characteristics and behavior of magnetic fields provide the key to understanding solar activity and are at the focus of work at the Einstein Tower. The solar magnetic field can be measured with the help of a double spectrograph and two photoelectric polarization analyzers. Measurements in the photosphere, the visible light realm, permit conclusions about the situation at higher altitude levels. The Potsdam astronomers participate in the operation of an observatory on Tenerife. Instruments to be used there are first developed and tested at the Einstein Tower. The Einstein Tower also plays an important role in training students. presents here one of the many museum pages. We try to bring data for your direct information about all that is relevant. In the list (link above right) you find the complete listing of museums related to "Radio & Co." we have information of. Please help us to be complete and up to date by using the contact form above.



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