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WELTKULTURERBE RAMMELSBERG Museum und Besucherbergwerk

38640 Goslar, Germany (Niedersachsen)

Address Bergtal 19
Floor area unfortunately not known yet  
Museum typ Exhibition
  • Cranes and Lifts
  • Heritage- or City Museum
  • Mine- & Parc Railways
  • Industry / Production Technology
  • World Heritage Site

Opening times
November - März: täglich 9 - 17 Uhr; letzte Führung: 15:30 Uhr
April - Oktober: täglich 9 - 18 Uhr; letzte Führung: 16:30 Uhr

Status from 02/2019
Erwachsene: 9 €; ermäßigt: 6,00 €; Kinder/Jugendliche bis 17 Jahre: 4,50 €; Familienkarte: 18,00 €
Museum + eine Führung: 16,00; 9,00; 11,00; 33,00 €
Museum + 2 Führungen: 21,00; 12,00; 14,00; 43,00 €
Museum + 3 Führungen: 25,00; 14,00; 17,50; 53,00 €

Tel.:+49-53 21-750-122  Fax:+49-53 21-750-130  


Our page for WELTKULTURERBE RAMMELSBERG Museum und Besucherbergwerk in Goslar, Germany, is not yet administrated by a member. Please write to us about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N51.889259° E10.419490°N51°53.35554' E10°25.16940'N51°53'21.3324" E10°25'10.1640"


Fascination above and underground

The Museum
The Museum buildings in the above ground area of the Rammelsberg offer a wide spectrum of themes dealing with the history and culture of mining in the Lower Harz:
- Geology and Mineralogy of the Rammelsberg in Building A
- Modern Art in Building K
- Art and Cultural History in Building M
- Changing Exhibits in Building L

Tours and Programmes
A thousand years of mining and living on the Rammelsberg Mountain: in the tours above and below ground the WORLD CULTURAL HERITAGE RAMMELSBERG provides unique insight into the activity of the people on the northern edge of the Harz Mountain region. presents here one of the many museum pages. We try to bring data for your direct information about all that is relevant. In the list (link above right) you find the complete listing of museums related to "Radio & Co." we have information of. Please help us to be complete and up to date by using the contact form above.



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