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Danmarks Mediemuseum Brandts

5000 Odense C, Denmark

Address Brandts Torv 1
Floor area unfortunately not known yet  
Museum typ Exhibition
  • Photo cameras and slide projectors
  • Radio and Kommunication in general

Opening times
Thursday noon-9pm; Tuesday - Sunday 10am-5pm;
Weeks 7,8 og 42 (Danish Winter - and Autumn School Holidays) additionally Monday 10am-5pm
Torsdag: kl. 12-21; Tirsdag-søndag: kl. 10-17; Uge 7, 8 og 42 også åbent mandage kl. 10-17

Status from 07/2013
Ticket valid for all of Brandts: DKK 80; Children (0 – 18) free
Kunsthallen Brandts (Art): DKK 50;
Museet for Fotokunst (Photography): DKK 40
Mediemuseet (Media): DKK 40
Hele huset kr. 80,-; Børn (0-18 år) Gratis
Kunsthallen Brandts kr. 50,-
Museet For Fotokunst kr. 40,-
Mediemuseet kr. 40,-

Tel.:+45-65 20 70 01  Tel.2:+45-65 20 70 25  


Our page for Danmarks Mediemuseum Brandts in Odense C, Denmark, is not yet administrated by a member. Please write to us about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N55.396180° E10.380739°N55°23.77080' E10°22.84434'N55°23'46.2480" E10°22'50.6604"

Parking basement next to Brandts:
Next to Brandts you'll find a parking basement with 150 lots. Access from Pantheonsgade. The Adress is is Pantheonsgade 25.

Also parking in Parkeringshuset, Gråbrødre (Slotsgade), about 3 minutes walk from Brandts, and by the train station, about 10 minutes walk from Brandts.

Location / Directions
P-kælder ved siden af Brandts:
Ryghospitalet (Center for Rygkirurgi) er nabo til Brandts, og herunder er en P-kælder med 150 pladser. Der er indkørsel hertil ad Pantheonsgade via Vindegade. Ryghospitalet har adresse Pantheonsgade 25. Der er desuden parkeringskælder under Grønnegade med 116 pladser. Indkørsel via Vindegade.

Derudover er der mulighed for parkering i Parkeringshuset, Gråbrødre (Slotsgade), ca 3 minutters gang fra Brandts, ved Banegården eller Koncerthuset, ca 10 minutters gang fra Brandts.

Description In one of Odense's most famous and striking building complexes, Brandts, the Danish Media Museum furnished along with the Museum of Photographic Art and Art Brandts. From a start as a narrow special museum for the graphic fags history museum today has a broad cultural history of the written, printed, electronic and digital media.

I et af Odenses mest kendte og markante bygningskomplekser, Brandts Klædefabrik, er Danmarks Mediemuseum indrettet sammen med Museet for Fotokunst og Kunsthallen Brandts. Fra en start som et smalt specialmuseum for de grafiske fags historie er museet i dag blevet et bredt kulturhistorisk museum for de skrevne, trykte, elektroniske og digitale medier. presents here one of the many museum pages. We try to bring data for your direct information about all that is relevant. In the list (link above right) you find the complete listing of museums related to "Radio & Co." we have information of. Please help us to be complete and up to date by using the contact form above.



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