Kystradiostationen OXA - Naval Museum of Wireless Telegraphy |
1439 København, Denmark |
Address |
A. H. Vedels Plads 2
Marinestation København Nyholm |
Floor area | 170 m² / 1 830 ft² Area for radios (if not the same) 170 m² / 1 830 ft² |
Opening times
Tuesday: 18h - 20h; July Sundays: 11h - 15h
Tirsdag kl. 15 – 17; Juli Søndage: kl. 11.00 - 15.00.
Status from 06/2023
Free entry. | ||||
Contact |
Homepage | |
Location / Directions |
Near the center of beautiful Copenhagen, easily accessible By harbour bus: 901/902 to “Holmen nord” at Henrik GernerPlads. By bus: Line 9A from the Central station towards the Opera. Get off at the second stop on Danneskiold-Samsøes Allé (at Fabriksmestervej) before the bus makes a left turn. 10 min walk to the museum. By car: From Christmas Møllers Plads along Vermlandsgade, Kløvermarksvej / Forlandet, turn left and follow Refshalevej through the gate to the Naval Station. Follow Takkeladsvej to A. H. Vedels Plads. Please note: Nyholm is home to Marine Station Copenhagen and is therefore a military area. Society would be grateful Visitors observe the applicable Order Procedure regarding all civilian traffic in the area. The internal rules can be found at set directories, bl. by a gatekeeper, and at the entrance to OXA. Note max driving speed 30 km.h. Groups of visitors may contact the museum by mail in advance (1-2 weeks) allowing guided tours outside normal opening hours and period to be arranged. |
Location / Directions (other) |
Med bus: Kør med buslinie 9A (i retning mod Operaen) til Fabriksmestervej, fortsæt til fods mod Mastekranen.
Med vandbus: Sejl med linie 901/902 til "Holmen nord" ved Henrik Gerners Plads. I bil: Fra Christmas Møllers plads ad Vermlandsgade, Kløvermarksvej / Forlandet, til venstre ad Refshalevej, til højre gennem vagten til Nyholm og derefter lige ud ad Takkeladsvej til A. H. Vedels Plads. Bemærk venligst: Nyholm er hjemsted for Marinestation København og er derfor militært område. Foreningen beder derfor venligst besøgende iagttage det gældende ordensreglement vedr. al civil færdsel på området. |
Some example model pages for sets you can see there:
Some example tube pages for sets you can see there:
Description | The OXA museum is situated in its original, decorated wooden villa built for the OXA in 1908. Much later, in the late 20th century it was used for other purposes and around year 2000, it was decided the scrap the old building, despite that it was protected. However, a group was formed (Foreningen til bevarelse af Danmarks ældste Radiostation; the Association for the Preservation of the oldest Radio Station in Denmark). Collection:It contains most of the unique equipment described above, some of which, in particular German, had been thought to be lost forever. |
Description (other) |
Danmarks første kystradiostation Dette bevaringsværdige hus ligger på det fredede Nyholm overfor Planbygningen og Mastekranen, og indeholder Danmarks første Kystradiostation. Huset er fra 1908, og lå oprindeligt på Frederiksholm, men blev i 2003 flyttet til sin nuværende position. Huset indeholder artefakter fra radiotelegrafiens barndom helt tilbage fra 1880’erne. Huset drives idag af “Foreningen til bevarelse af Danmarks ældste Radiostation”, men er åbent for offentligheden. |
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