Magyar Olaj- és Gázipari Múzeum - Hungarian Oil Industry Museum

8900 Zalaegerszeg, Hungary

Address Falumúzeum utca 20
Floor area 30 000 m² / 322 917 ft²  
Museum typ Exhibition
  • Chemistry
  • Cranes and Lifts
  • Electric motors/generators/pumps

Opening times
April - October: Tuesday - Sunday: 10am - 6pm
Április - október: hétfő kivételével 10 - 18 óráig
April - Oktober: Dienstag - Sonntag: 10 - 18 Uhr

Status from 01/2016
Full price: HUF 700; Youths (aged 6–26): HUF 350; Family ticket: HUF 1600/family
Felnőtt: 700,-Ft; Diák, nyugdíjas: 350,-Ft; Családi: 1600,-Ft

Tel.:+36 92-313-632  Fax:+36 92-311-081  


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Location / Directions
N46.850387° E16.827507°N46°51.02322' E16°49.65042'N46°51'1.3932" E16°49'39.0252"

Zalaegerszeg lies on the banks of the Zala River, close to the Slovenian and Austrian borders and 220 kilometres (137 miles) west-southwest of Budapest by road.

You can find the Hungarian Oil Industry Museum next to Göcseji Village Museum.


Zala County used to be the cradle of the Hungarian oil industry and for this reason the country’s only thematic museum exhibiting the history of the oil industry was created here.

The relics, machines, equipment and instruments of domestic oil prospecting and production and of the natural gas industry are also part of the exhibition. Besides the temporary exhibitions we can observe a mineral and stone collection, a collection of statues as well as hydro mining instruments in the area of the museum.

Open air exhibition, Zalaegerszeg

The Hungarian Museum of Oil Industry is a specialized museum collecting materials from all over the country; it was founded in 1969 with the purpose of collecting, processing, as well as presenting at its exhibitions and in its publications the history of Hungarian hydrocarbon industry looking back on a past of more than a century. In 1993, the Museum took over the Vilmos Zsigmondy Collection, and since that time it has not been collecting and preserving the remembrances of solely hydrocarbon industry, but also those of water mining.

In Zalaegerszeg, the permanent outdoor exhibition of more than 30,000 sq m presents the technological remembrances of hydrocarbon industry (mining, processing, transportation) to the visitors, whereas the permanent exhibition halls give an overview on the technological processes and history of the sector.

The outdoor part primarily accommodates large equipment, machinery in connection with the exploration of hydrocarbons, the installation of oil drills, as well as oil production and the processing of hydrocarbons. Geophysical measuring vehicles and shallow-drilling equipment are associated with research operations.

The specialized field of oil drilling is represented by entire drilling installations, drilling engines, pulley blocks, blow-out preventers, swivel heads and instruments of rescue operations. Some pieces of the old equipment used for well completion and well repairs have also been preserved here. From among the means of oil and natural gas production and transportation, the visitors can get acquainted with sampoon boosts, well-head fittings, separators, gas-transfer stations, compressors, as well as the first pump station of the transmission line transporting oil to the refineries. In the outdoor part, processing operations are shown via specimens of – among other things – pressure filters, lubricating grease manufacturing equipment, heat exchangers, boilers, pumps, as well as so-called “filling pipes” charging the products to the wagons.

The southwestern side of the outdoor exhibition accommodates the large equipment (drilling installations) machines and instruments of Hungarian water mining, which used technologies being similar to those of oil mining, and looks back on a past of several centuries.

The gradually growing statue park presents the bronze busts of several great personalities of Hungarian hydrocarbon industry. The purpose of this industrial exhibition is to demonstrate to the visitors the multi-faceted nature, working processes and activities of hydrocarbon industry. Understanding is aided by flowcharts, photos, graphics, models, sand maps and some typical objects, machines.

The collection of natural history presents typical rocks and minerals of the Carpathian Basin (with several rarities), fossils, as well as abyssal rocks brought to the surface with drilling operations.


A Magyar Olajipari Múzeum országos gyűjtőkörű szakmúzeum, melyet 1969-ben alapítottak azzal a céllal, hogy gyűjtse, feldolgozza, kiállításain és kiadványaiban bemutassa a magyarországi szénhidrogénipar több mint száz éves történetét. 1993-ban átvette a Zsigmondy Vilmos Gyűjteményt, azóta nem csak a szénhidrogénipar, hanem a vízbányászat történeti emlékeit is gyűjti, őrzi.

Zalaegerszegen, a Göcseji Falumúzeum szomszédságában lévő, 30.000 m2 területű állandó szabadtéri kiállításában a szénhidrogénipar (bányászat, feldolgozás, szállítás) műszaki emlékeivel, állandó kiállító termeiben az iparág technológiai folyamataival, történetével ismerkedhet meg a látogató. Szabadtéri szoborparkjában kiemelkedő műszaki szakemberek mellszobrait láthatjuk. Gyűjteményei, valamint Dr. Papp Simon geológus, egyetemi tanár emlékére berendezett kis kiállítás a múzeum Zalaegerszeg, Wlassics Gyula utca 13. szám alatti épületében találhatók.

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