Eesti Meremuuseum

10133 Tallinn, Estonia (Eesti, Tallinn)

Indirizzo Pikk 70
Spazio espositivo - purtroppo ancora non noto  
Tipo museo Esposizione
Navy / Watercraft
  • Surveying Equipment
  • Model Ships
  • Craft

Orario d'apertura
10.00–18.00 (T-P)

Status dal 03/2017
We don't know the fees.
Non conosciamo la tariffa.

Tel.:+372-6-411-408  Tel.2:+372-6-73 30 92  

Pagina web

La nostra pagina per il museo Eesti Meremuuseum in Tallinn, Estonia (Eesti, Tallinn), non è ancora gestito da un iscritto a Contattaci per condividere la tua esperienza con questo museo, per eventuali correzioni ai dati o inviando foto mediante il Modulo contatti Ricerca Musei della radio.

Come arrivare
N59.442450° E24.749348°N59°26.54700' E24°44.96088'N59°26'32.8200" E24°44'57.6528"

The Estonian Maritime Museum is located in the Fat Margaret tower in the old town of Tallinn. The museum presents history of ships and navigation in Estonia and related to Estonia.
Other parts of the Maritime Museum are the mine museum and the Seaplane Harbour where museum ships are presented.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Estonian Maritime Museum in Fat Margaret

Fat Margaret (also known in German as Dicke Margarethe) was built in the early 16th century (from 1511 to 1530) during the reconstruction of the medieval city gate system. The etymology of the tower's name derives from the fact that it was the largest city's fortifications with walls measuring 25 metres in diameter, 20 metres in height and up to 5 metres thick. Apart from being a fortification against would-be invaders to the port of the town, it was also built to impress outside visitors arriving by sea.

The tower is a defensive structure at the end of Pikk tänav (Pikk Street). Together with the Suur Rannavärav (Great Coastal Gate), a sixteenth-century arch flanked by two towers, it served to defend the harbour of Tallinn. Later, it was used as a storehouse for gunpowder and weapons, and then transformed into a prison, and was the scene of an outbreak of violence during the 1917 Revolution, when the prison guards were murdered by a mob of workers, soldiers and sailors.

The tower now serves a more peaceful function of housing the Estonian Maritime Museum which looks at the nation's seafaring history with a collection of nautical paraphernalia that spreads over four stories and a view of the old town and Tallinn's harbour and bay from its rooftop viewing platform.


Eesti Meremuuseum on 1935. aastal asutatud muuseum, mis tegeleb merendusalaste eksponaatide eksponeerimisega, merendus- ja kalandusalase teadusliku uurimistööga ning allveearheoloogiaga.

Eesti Meremuuseumi põhiekspositsioon asub Paksus Margareetas, laevastik Lennusadamas. presenta la recensione di uno dei tanti musei catalogati nel sito. Abbiamo cercato di inserire tutti i dati più importanti. Nell'elenco (link in alto a destra) troverai un elenco esaustivo dei musei della radio d'epoca (e non solo) su cui abbiamo informazioni. Aiutaci ad essere esaustivi e aggiornati, utilizzando il modulo contatti che trovi in alto.



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