Raudtee- ja Sidemuuseum - Railway and Communications Museum |
90504 Haapsalu, Estonia (Eesti, Tallinn) (Lääne maakond) |
Address |
Raudtee 2
Floor area | unfortunately not known yet |
Opening times
1.05–31.08: every day: 10:00 - 18:00 1.09–30.09: Wednesday – Sunday: 11:00 - 16:00 1.10–30.04: Friday – Sunday: 11:00 - 16:00 01.09.-30.04. R-P 11.00 – 16.00
01.05.-31.08. E-P 10.00 – 18.00 1.5–31.8: Täglich: 10:00 - 18:00 Uhr 1.9–30.9: Mittwoch – Sonntag: 11:00 - 16:00 Uhr 1.10–30.4: Freitag – Sonntag: 11:00 - 16:00 |
Status from 03/2017
Adult: from 4 €; Child: from 3 € outside area: free Erwachsener: ab 4€; Kind: ab 3€ Gelände frei zugänglich |
Contact |
Homepage |
www.salm.ee/muuseumid/raudtee-ja-sidemuuseum www.visitestonia.com/de/eisenbahn-und-fernmeldemuseum-in-haapsalu |
Location / Directions |
Haapsalu is a seaside resort town located on the west coast of Estonia. |
Description | Railway and Communications Museum The former terminal station of the railway was constructed between 1903 and 1905 to serve the resort town of Haapsalu. With its mysterious and grand station building, it now invites you to discover the nearly century and a half of Estonian railways and retired iron horses. During the time travel in the old station with an unusually long roofed platform and a royal pavilion, you can hear the sound of a locomotive and meet the courteous station master from the 1930s. |
Description (other) |
Haapsalu kuurordi teenindamiseks 20. sajandi alguses rajatud raudtee lõppjaam oma salapäraselt suurejoonelise jaamahoonega ootab Sind auruveduri huike saatel ajarännakule Eesti raudteede pea pooleteise sajandi pikkusel arenguteel ning tutvustab ka infovahetuse viise ja võimalusi. Jaamahoones asub Raudtee- ja Sidemuuseum. Vanaduspuhkusel raudruunade kõrval kohtab siin muuhulgas viisakat jaamaülemat, luukeretelefoni ning saab astuda sisse vaksali postiagentuuri. Palume tähele panna, et välisekspositsiooni objektidel ronimine ja neisse sisenemine on keelatud! |
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