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Musée de la radio & des comm. d'Auvergne

43120 Monistrol sur Loir, France (Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes)

Address Place du Monteil
Floor area unfortunately not known yet  
Museum typ Exhibition
Radio and Kommunication in general
  • TV and image recording
  • Wire- & tape recording
  • Record players with pick up
  • Media
  • Radios (Broadcast receivers)
  • Telephone / Telex
  • Measuring Instruments, Lab Equipment
  • Gramophone (no electrical sound transmission)
  • Amateur Radio / Military & Industry Radio

Opening times
April - November
avril - novembre

Status from 03/2023
We don't know the fees.

Tel.:+33-9-84 39 66 74  eMail:  


Our page for Musée de la radio & des comm. d'Auvergne in Monistrol sur Loir, France, is not yet administrated by a member. Please write to us about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N45.289107° E4.165157°N45°17.34642' E4°9.90942'N45°17'20.7852" E4°9'54.5652"

Monistrol-sur-Loire ist eine französische Gemeinde im Département Haute-Loire. Sie liegt auf der Achse von Lyon nach Toulouse durch das Zentralmassiv, überragt das Loiretal und gehört zum Gemeindeverband Marches du Velay-Rochebaron.

Monistrol sur Loire liegt an der RN 88 auf halbem Weg zwischen Saint Etienne und Le Puy en Velay. (25 Minuten von jeder Stadt entfernt)

Some example model pages for sets you can see there:

A: Philips - Österreich D7414 /00 /05 (1982/83)
A: Philips - Österreich Stereo Radio Recorder D8514 /00 /02 /05 (1983/84)
B: Philips Belgium L5W34T /01 (1963/64)
D: Grundig Radio- Concert-Boy 206 (1966/67)
D: Grundig Radio- Europa-Boy 208 (1968-70)
D: Grundig Radio- Music-Boy Luxus 208a (1968?)
D: Graetz, Altena Pagino netzautomatic 301 (1970/71)
D: ITT Schaub-Lorenz Touring Studio 104 52151431 (1973-76)
D: Telefunken partner universal 401 (1973-77)
D: Grundig Radio- Verdi 8 Ch= RC500a (1974/75)
D: Grundig Radio- T1000 (1979/80)
D: Grundig Radio- Satellit 1400 Professional (1980-83)
D: Telefunken Partner 705 (1981)
D: Grundig Radio- Satellit 650 (1986-93)
D: Blaupunkt Ideal, Milano SQM20 7.649.751.011 (1989?)
D: Grundig Radio- Ocean-Boy 340 (1994)
F: Cartex, Controleur Universel 470B (1946)
F: Centrad; Annecy Lampemètre de service 751 (1948-51)
F: Radiomatic, S.F.R.T. A2 (1953)
F: CRC, Constructions Millivoltmètre MV153 (1956)
F: Centrad; Annecy Lampemetre - Pentemetre 752 (1957)
F: Reela-Radio, Reela- Présence 7 Transistors (1960)
F: Sonolor; Paris, La Plein Air 61 (PA61) (1960/61)
F: Eurelec - Institut Controleur Universel 264 (1960?)
F: Metrix, Compagnie Vacuum Tube Voltmeter 744 (1960??)
F: Ducretet -Thomson; RT244 (1961)
F: Schneider Frères, Lutin (1961-63)
F: Schneider Frères, Sabrina D28 (1962)
F: Pathé-Marconi, Les 7T3 (1962)
F: Centrad; Annecy Transistormètre 391 (1963)
F: Atlantic; Paris All Transistor A22T (1963/64)
F: Pygmy, Ciate-Pygmy 601 (1964)
F: Philips France; L4F42T /00G /00L (1964/65)
F: Océanic, ITT Océanic T111 (1964/65)
F: Pathé-Marconi, Les 19U4 (1964/65)
F: Metrix, Compagnie Wobuloscope 231 (1964??)
F: Metrix, Compagnie Transistormètre 302A (1965?)
F: Ducretet -Thomson; DT180 (1965??)
F: Metrix, Compagnie Millivoltmètre Electronique BF-FI VX207A (1965??)
F: CRC, Constructions Audio Generator GBT515 (1966)
F: Centrad; Annecy Oscilloscope 276 A (1966)
F: Schneider Frères, Ferya G85 (1966/67)
F: Schneider Frères, Saki Ch= 1141 (1968?)
F: Philips France; Minauto III (3) 11RN382 /02 (1969-72)
F: Philips France; Minauto I (1) RN182 (1969?)
F: Eurelec - Institut Générateur Modulé 412 (1970??)
F: Sonolor; Paris, La Régate 2245 (1971)
F: Sonolor; Paris, La Ranger (1971?)
F: Schneider Frères, All Transistor SR 310 (1973?)
F: Optalix, T.E.D., TO100 Ch= X617 (1974)
F: Optalix, T.E.D., TO308 Ch= X631 (1975?)
F: Optalix, T.E.D., TO99 Ch= X614 (1976)
F: Radialva, Véchambre Stereo Cassette Car Receiver RV6900 (1995??)
HK: Auritone brand - see Solid State 6QA12 (1971-73)
J: Panasonic, GX10 RF-1110 LBS (1977/78)
J: Sony Corporation; ICF-900 (1983)
J: Yaesu-Musen Co. Ltd. FT-102 (1983?)
J: Kenwood, Trio- TS-430S (1984?)
J: Icom, Inoue IC-706 (1995)
J: Yaesu-Musen Co. Ltd. HF/VHF/UHF All Mode Transceiver FT-857D (2006??)
NL: Philips; Eindhoven N5X72V (1957/58)
NL: Philips; Eindhoven Antoinette Transworld de Luxe L6X38T (1965-69)
NL: Philips; Eindhoven 22RL171 /00B /00F /00R (1968)
NL: Philips; Eindhoven 22RL191 /00R (1970??)
NL: Philips; Eindhoven AM/FM Radio Cassette Recorder D7012 /00 /05 (1982)
NL: Philips; Eindhoven D7032 /00 /05 (1990)
PRC: Unknown - CUSTOM Miniature Sonora Sonorette 50 (2000??)
SGP: Philips, Singapore 90RL152 /51R (1976?)
USA: RCA RCA Victor Co. 7-BX-10 The "Strato-World II" Ch= RC-1125B (1956/57)
USA: Heathkit Brand, Regulated Power Supply IP-27 (1967)
USA: Heathkit Brand, IM-25 (1967?)
USA: Heathkit Brand, IT-18 (1968-71?)
USA: Heathkit Brand, Signal Generator IG-18 (1969)
USA: Montgomery Ward & Co Airline GEN1494A (1980??)


Exposition temporaire et permanente de radio TSF sur 100 ans d'histoire.

4 salles d’expositions.

Une salle sur la TSF.

Une salle dédié à l’univers du disque vinyle.

Une salle le thème des communications.

Une salle pour les expositions temporaires. presents here one of the many museum pages. We try to bring data for your direct information about all that is relevant. In the list (link above right) you find the complete listing of museums related to "Radio & Co." we have information of. Please help us to be complete and up to date by using the contact form above.



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