Musée des arts et métiers |
75003 Paris, France (Île-de-France) |
Address |
rue Saint-Martin (270, 278, 292)
60 Rue Réaumur / rue Vaucanson rue du Vertbois (31-55) |
Floor area | unfortunately not known yet |
Opening times
Tuesday to Thursday: 10:00 - 18:00; Friday: 10am - 9pm
Saturday and Sunday: 10am - 6pm closed on Mondays, 1 January, 1 May and 25 December. Mardi au jeudi: 10h00 – 18h00; Vendredi: 10h00 – 21h00
Samedi et dimanche: 10h00 – 18h00; fermé les lundis, le 1er janvier, le 1er mai et le 25 décembre. |
Status from 05/2023
Full fee: 9 €; discounted fee: 6 € Plein tarif: 9 €; tarif réduit: 6 € |
Contact |
Homepage | |
Location / Directions |
Underground/Subway: Arts et Métiers, Réaumur-Sébastopol Buses: 20, 38, 39, 47 |
Some example model pages for sets you can see there:
Description | Founded in 1794 on a proposal by Abbé Grégoire to the National Convention, the Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers was originally an establishment designed to train technicians and engineers through demonstrations using scientific and technical objects. While Cnam is today a major institution of higher education and research, its museum preserves all the machines, models, and drawings that were used throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. It continues to enrich its collections, in particular with the National Mission for the Safeguarding of Contemporary Scientific and Technical Heritage, which was entrusted to it in 2003 by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. The collections of the Musée des Arts et Métiers currently include nearly 46,000 inventory numbers. This includes about 80,000 objects (including 20,000 photographs) and 15,000 technical drawings forming the "industrial portfolio. Only about 2,500 objects are displayed in the museum's galleries in Paris, the rest being kept in specially equipped premises that meet preventive conservation standards in Saint-Denis. Exhibition The permanent exhibition of the Musée des Arts et Métiers is organized into seven thematic collections, themselves subdivided into four chronological periods (before 1750, 1750-1850, 1850-1950, after 1950): scientific instruments, materials, construction, communication, energy, mechanics, and transportation12. Additional displays emphasize particular points: Lavoisier's laboratory, the theater of automata, and Madame de Genlis' teaching models. The old church presents, among other things, the experiment of the rotation of the Earth with the help of Foucault's pendulum. Scientific instruments are represented by the collections of the physics cabinets of Jacques Charles and Abbé Nollet, as well as the laboratory of Antoine Laurent de Lavoisier, Blaise Pascal's calculating machines, Ferdinand Berthoud's precision clocks, the instruments used by Léon Foucault to measure the speed of light, Frédéric Joliot-Curie's cyclotron at the Collège de France, and a number of objects illustrating the progress of robotics. Construction and material manufacturing techniques are represented by the manufacture of textiles, from Vaucanson to the mechanization of the end of the 19th century via Jacquard, the arts of fire (glassware by Emile Gallé and ceramics from the Manufacture de Sèvres and the Murano glassworks), the development of metallurgy, the development of large-scale production processes (such as electroplating), and the elaboration of synthetic materials... Mechanical and automatic elements are presented in 19th century showcases. The evolution of energy is presented by the Marly machine, the Watt machine, the Volta battery and the first thermal engines, the Diesel and the nuclear. The evolution of transport and communication is exposed with vehicles going from Joseph Cugnot's fardier to the Ford T, from Stephenson's locomotive to the TGV, but also with the hand press and satellites, with the development of mass printing, radio and television broadcasting, photography and cinematography, mobile telephony and the Internet. In the former church of Saint-Martin-des-Champs, larger objects are presented: Foucault's pendulum, Blériot's and Breguet's airplanes or Scott's steam engine. |
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