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Talvisotamuseo - Winter war museum Raatteen Portti

89800 Suomussalmi, Finland (Kainuu)

Address Ratteentie 2
Floor area 300 m² / 3 229 ft²  
Museum typ Exhibition
Military Museum in general
  • Record players with pick up
  • Telephone / Telex
  • Armored vehicles
  • Arms
  • Mine- & Parc Railways
  • Buildings- & Landscape Models

Opening times
middle of February – middle of March: 12 noon – 4pm;
Summer season 4 May – 20 June: 10am - 5pm; 22 June – 18 August: 10am -7pm;
19 August – 13 October: 10am - 5pm; 14 - 27 October: 12 noon – 4pm

Status from 04/2020
Adults: 10 €; Children (7-15): 5 €; Family (2 adults + 2 children): 28 €
Aikuiset: 10 €; Lapset (7-15v): 5 €; Perhelippu (2 aik + 2 las): 28 €

Tel.:+358-400-89 21 92  Tel.2:+358-400-868 301  


Our page for Talvisotamuseo - Winter war museum Raatteen Portti in Suomussalmi, Finland, is not yet administrated by a member. Please write to us about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N64.848442° E29.326876°N64°50.90652' E29°19.61256'N64°50'54.3912" E29°19'36.7536"

Raate is near Finland’s eastern border. From the south, Raate Road is via an hour’s flight to Kajaani or Oulu. When driving via Suomussalmi you reach Raate Road along Highway 5/E63. Raate Road is about 215 kilometres by road from Oulu and around 125 kilometres from Kajaani.

Location / Directions
Museo on Via Karelian ja Raatteen tien risteyksessä.


The shape of the building mimics an anti-tank obstacle, damaged by explosives. The museum was first opened in 1992. The exhibition showcases many aspects of the Winter War, especially the battles in Suomussalmi.

Winter war museum Raatteen Portti

In Raatteen Portti you will several original items from winter war. There is lots to see, guns, artillery, tanks, films about the winter war events, also winter war cloths and equipment that belonged to russian 44 th Division that was destroyed in the beginning of January 1940.

Canteen Päämaja is in the same building. 65 seats, lunch for groups, cafeteria, terrace. Also war style outdoor lunches are possible to order for groups.

Raatteen Portti total museum area is 17 hectars. You will find monuments, restored foxholes, naturpaths with campfire.
Lodgings for Soviet and Finnish soldiers were built at the Winter War battle sites in the environs of Raatteen Portti. Informative signboards by the side of the trails tell about local events. Outside, the artillery, tank and other wartime equipment date from the Winter War.

Visitors can even overnight in the half-platoon military tents and experience the authentic atmosphere of the Winter War.

Continuation War exhibition

The Raatteen Portti museum also features an exhibition telling about the Continuation War (1941-1944). Among other things at the exhibition, visitors can test the weight of a long-range reconnaissance patroller’s rucksack and handle real de-activated weapons. Finnish, Soviet and German material and narrative. The shocking partisan attacks and trench railway, also known as the “Railway of Death”, are part of the hushed up history of the Suomussalmi area

Museumized Raateroad continues 19 kilometers via battlefields and ends at Russian border. Expert guides in museum and bus tours via Road Raate are available on request.


Raatteen Portti sijaitsee talvisodan aitojen taistelupaikkojen välittömässä läheisyydessä. 17 hehtaatin museoalue käsittää sisällään mm. talvisotanäyttelyn, aitoja sota-aikaisia poteroita ja painanteita sekä 3 hehtaarin kokoisen Talvisodan monumentin, jonka rakentamiseen tarvittiin 17 000 kivenlohkaretta

Museo ulkonäkö symboloi panssariestettä, jossa on räjähdysten jälkiä. Museo avattiin 1992. Näyttely esittelee monipuolisesti talvisotaa ja erityisesti Suomussalmen taisteluita. presents here one of the many museum pages. We try to bring data for your direct information about all that is relevant. In the list (link above right) you find the complete listing of museums related to "Radio & Co." we have information of. Please help us to be complete and up to date by using the contact form above.



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