Imperial War Museum - IWM London

SE1 6HZ London, Grossbritannien (UK)

Anschrift Lambeth Road
Ausstellungsfläche - leider noch nicht bekannt  
Museum Typ Ausstellung
Militär Museum allgemein
  • Schreib- Rechen- und Codiermaschinen
  • Militärtechnik
  • Telefon / Telex
  • Gepanzerte Fahrzeuge
  • Militär Luft- und Raumfahrt
  • Waffen
  • Physik

daily: 10am - 6pm; closed 24, 25, 26 December

Stand von 03/2024
Free entry.
Freier Eintritt.

Tel.:+44-20-7416 5000  Fax:+44-20-7416 5374  


Unsere Seite für Imperial War Museum - IWM London in London, Grossbritannien (UK), ist noch nicht von einem RMorg-Mitglied betreut - bitte schreiben Sie uns über Ihre Erfahrungen mit dem Museum, Korrekturen des Eintrags oder senden Fotos mit diesem Kontaktformular an den Museumsfinder.

Lage / Anfahrt
N51.496290° W0.108636°N51°29.77740' W0°6.51816'N51°29'46.6440" W0°6'31.0896"

by London Underground

IWM London is a short walk from Lambeth North (10 mins), Waterloo (15 mins) and Elephant and Castle (15 mins) underground stations.

by Bus

Local bus routes that stop near IWM London include 159, 360, 109, 344 and 360.

by Train

IWM London is a short 15 minute walk from London Waterloo, Waterloo East, and Elephant and Castle rail stations.

by Car/Coach

IWM London is located in Zone 1 of Central London within the Congestion Charge zone and there is limited parking near the museum. We recommend that you visit us by public transport, walk or cycle where possible. There are NCP car parks nearby in Waterloo and Elephant & Castle.

Modellseiten von Gerätebeispielen, die Sie dort sehen:

D: Gemeinschaftserzeugn Enigma (1938)


Text from Imperial War Museum London:

Permanent Galeries:

Explore History

Explore History is an innovative new project allowing visitors to get up close and personal with the past thanks to improved access to the Imperial War Museum’s Collections.

Lord Ashcroft Gallery

This new gallery houses the Extraordinary Heroes exhibition, proudly presenting the world’s largest collection of Victoria Crosses alongside the 48 VCs and 31 George Crosses already held by the Museum.

Large Exhibits Gallery

The Large Exhibits Gallery is the setting for some of the most important weapons and vehicles in the Collections.

First World War Galleries

The causes of the First World War were complex and are the subject of continuing historical debate. These galleries explore the shift in the balance of power in Europe, conflicting national ambitions, economic competition and colonial rivalries.

Second World War Galleries

The hopes for a lasting peace after the First World War were short-lived. Totalitarian states were established in Italy after 1922 under Mussolini and in Nazi Germany, where Hitler was made Chancellor in 1933. The Second World War galleries explore the complex political developments and resulting conflicts across the globe.

Conflicts since 1945

Britain's armed forces have undergone major changes since 1945. Britain's membership of NATO, together with advances in technology, have resulted in a smaller but better equipped force able to deal with a wide variety of tasks.

The Holocaust Exhibition

This permanent exhibition uses historical material to tell the story of the Nazis' persecution of the Jews and other groups before and during the Second World War. Photographs, documents, newspapers, artefacts, posters and film offer stark evidence of persecution and slaughter, collaboration and resistance.

Crimes against humanity: an exploration of genocide and ethnic violence A specially-commissioned 30-minute film is the central element of the Crimes against humanity exhibition which examines the theme of genocide and ethnic conflict - looking at some of the common features shared by the horrendous bloodshed in Armenia, Nazi-occupied Europe, Cambodia, East Timor, Bosnia, Rwanda and elsewhere.

Secret War

The Secret War exhibition reveals the clandestine world of espionage, covert operations, and the work of Britain's special forces. It shows how Britain's secret government agencies, MI5 and MI6, have developed since their establishment before the First World War, and how specialist communications technology has been used to gather intelligence and break top-secret codes.

The Art Galleries

The two suites of galleries on the second floor are used for long-term exhibitions of First and Second World War works of art from the Museum's collection. The displays are changed at regular intervals.

Monty: Master of the Battlefield

Opened to coincide with the sixtieth anniversary of the Battle of El Alamein, this permanent exhibition documents the life and career of Field Marshal Montgomery, one of the great battlefield commanders of the Second World War.


The Imperial War Museum (IWM), currently branded "Imperial War Museums", is a British national museum. It is headquartered in London, with 5 branches in England:

Imperial War Museum - IWM London

Imperial War Museum - IWM Duxford

Imperial War Museum - IWM North

Churchill War Rooms

HMS Belfast

Das zeigt Ihnen hier eine der zahlreichen Museumseiten, damit Sie sich über das Museum rasch informieren und es direkt kontaktieren können. Dabei finden Sie in der Übersicht (Link oben rechts) die Gesamtheit der im Museumsfinder veröffentlichten Museen, die sich mit Radios und verwandten Gebieten befassen - sehr grosse und sehr kleine, öffentliche und private - weltweit.



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