Antique radios, Old Time Radios
Ecomuseum Istrian de Dignan
52215 Vodnjan-Dignano, Croatia |
Address |
Narodni trg 9
Floor area |
25 m² / 269 ft²
- Craft
- Food and beverage production
Our page for Ecomuseum Istrian de Dignan in Vodnjan-Dignano, Croatia, is not yet administrated by a member. Please write to us about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.
Location / Directions |
N44.960415° E13.849588° | N44°57.62490' E13°50.97528' | N44°57'37.4940" E13°50'58.5168" |
In order to improve life quality by increasing the value of one's own resources, cooperation, work and solidarity of its members and the local community, especially the local population and the groups at risk, the Association shall foster research, care, conservation and promotion of historical rural cultural heritage, especially agricultural, via the valorization of human work products and the creation of a recognizable cultural and touristic identity of Vodnjan-Dignano as a destination rich with local natural products. |
Description (other) |
Cilj Ecomuzeja je poboljšanje kvalitete života povećanjem vrijednosti vlastitih resursa, suradnje, rada i solidarnosti svojih članova i lokalne zajednice, osobito lokalnog stanovništva i rizičnih skupina. Udruga će poticati istraživanje, zaštitu, očuvanje i promicanje kulturno-povijesnog ruralnog nasljeđa, posebice onog poljoprivrednog, kroz valorizaciju ljudskog rada i proizvoda te stvaranje prepoznatljivog kulturnog i turističkog identiteta Vodnjana kao odredišta bogatog lokalnim prirodnim proizvodima. | presents here one of the many museum pages. We try to bring data for your direct information about all that is relevant. In the list (link above right) you find the complete listing of museums related to "Radio & Co." we have information of. Please help us to be complete and up to date by using the
contact form above.
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