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Gradski muzej Sisak - City Museum Sisak

44000 Sisak, Croatia

Address Ulica kralja Tomislava 10
Floor area unfortunately not known yet  
Museum typ Exhibition
Heritage- or City Museum
  • Radios (Broadcast receivers)
  • Gramophone (no electrical sound transmission)

Opening times
Summer: Tuesday - Friday: 10:00 - 18:00; Saturday, Sunday: 09:00 - 12:00
Winter: Monday - Friday: 07:30 - 15:30
Ljetno: utorak - petak: 10,00 - 18,00 sati; subota, nedjelja: 09,00 - 12,00 sati
Zimsko: ponedjeljak - petak: 07,30 - 15,30

Status from 12/2019
Adults: 15,00 kn; Pupils (8+ years), Students: 10,00 kn Children (under 7 years), Pensioners - FREE admittance
ODRASLI: 15,00 kn; UČENICI I STUDENTI: 10,00 kn;

Tel.:+385-44-811 811  Fax:+385-44-543 225  


Our page for Gradski muzej Sisak - City Museum Sisak in Sisak, Croatia, is administrated by member Predrag Jelic. Please write to him about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N45.483854° E16.374136°N45°29.03124' E16°22.44816'N45°29'1.8744" E16°22'26.8896"

Sisak is a city and episcopal center in central Croatia, located at the confluence of the Kupa, Sava and Odra rivers, 57 km (35 mi) southeast of the Croatian capital Zagreb.

Some example model pages for sets you can see there:

A: Tesig; Wien Autodyne-Empf. II (1926-28)
A: Radione RADIO Netzanschlussgerät (1927/28)
A: Radione RADIO Reinartz WE (1928/29)
A: Eumig, Elektrizitäts 4375 (1929/30)
A: Schrack Triotron; Triotron-Solovox (1929?)
A: Eumig, Elektrizitäts 933 (1936?)
A: Ingelen, Deutscher Kleinempfänger DKE (1940-45)
A: Horny Hornyphon; K46B (1940/41)
A: Minerva-Radio Minerdyn - Zwergsuper (1942/43)
CH: Philips - Schweiz Super inductance 534A (1933/34)
D: Lorenz; Berlin, Wellenmesser NB (1918?)
D: Triumph Marke, Anodenbatteriekasten (1927-30??)
D: Telefunken Arcolette 31W (T31W) (1929-31)
D: Telefunken 40G (T40G) (1929/30)
D: Homophon Co., Homocord Electro 419 und 419RL (1929/30?)
D: Sachsenwerk bis 1945 Olympia-Reflex-Super W (1934/35)
D: Schaub und Schaub- Oceanic Super (1936?)
D: Mende - Radio H. Super MS216-W (216W) (1939/40)
D: Telefunken 054GWK (1940/41)
D: Tefag; Telephon K10A (1941-43)
D: AEG Radios Allg. 421GW (1941-43)
D: AEG Radios Allg. 4311GW (1941-43)
D: Siemens & Halske, - Großsuper 14W (1941-44)
D: Nora, Aron, Exportsuper K60 (1941/42)
D: Graetz Radio, Berlin 59GW (1944/45)
GB: Decca Brand, Samuel Junior Portable (1926?)
GB: HMV Brand, His 104A (1932??)
GB: HMV Brand, His unknown similar to WR19 (1933?)
H: Tungsram; Budapest Tungsram-Western 3 csöves (1926-29)
H: Orion; Budapest 303 (1934)
H: Orion; Budapest 233U (1941-43)
I: Lambda - Olivieri e 325B-M (1933/34)
NL: Philips; Eindhoven Anodenspannungsapparat 508 (1927)
NL: Philips; Eindhoven Konus-Lautsprecher Heptagonal 2026 (1930??)
NL: Philips; Eindhoven 930A (1931/32)
NL: Philips; Eindhoven Super inductance 630A (1932/33)
NL: Philips; Eindhoven 938A (1933)
NL: Philips; Eindhoven 837B (1936/37)
NL: Philips; Eindhoven 629B (1939/40)
USA: RCA RCA Victor Co. Victrola VI (1918)
USA: Unknown - CUSTOM Unknown with Rola F-6 speaker (1933??)
USA: Emerson Radio & 508 Ch= 120008 (1945-47)
USA: Trav-Ler Karenola 5044 (1950?)
YU: Edison-Bell-Penkala Portable gramophone similar to Edison-Bell EB321 (1927?)
YU: Paspa, Ivan, i Detector Crystal Radio (1928)
YU: Edison-Bell-Penkala Portable gramophone model 216 (1930?)


Velimir Kraker is one of the most prominent Croatian radio, gramophone and phonograph collectors.
His almost lifelong collecting resulted in a collection which at the moment consists of 86 old tube radio sets, gramophones and phonographs as well as other related technical and measuring devices.
Other part of Mr. Kraker's collection is made of nearly 2000 old gramophone records and phonograph cylinders.  His collecting passion instigated Croatian TV to make a documentary titled “Čuvar zvuka” (“Guardian of the sound”) depicting Kraker’s life filled with love for music and musical devices.
The Velimir Kraker collection is currently been taken over by the Sisak Municipal Museum and soon will be open to visitors at the so-called “Holandska kuća” (“Dutch house”) in the center of Sisak. 



Gradski muzej Sisak smješten u  Tomislavovoj ulici,  na mjestu gdje je nekad bila radionica majstora Karasa u kojoj je bravarski zanat izučio Josip Broz Tito. Danas muzej sadrži arheološku zbirku prapovijesti; arheološku zbirku antike; arheološku zbirku ranog srednjeg vijeka; numizmatičku zbirku; zbirku 13.-17. st.; povijesnu zbirku 18. i 19. st.; povijesnu zbirku 20. st. Usto, muzej vodi brigu o Starom gradu, zgradi Velikog kaptola, te omogućuje obilazak grada uz stručnu pratnju. Redovito se organiziraju tematske izložbe i predavanja. Muzej ima i vlastite publikacije.

Kolekcija starih gramofona i radija Velimira Krakera

Velimir Kraker je jedan od najpoznatijih hrvatskih kolekcionara starih radio uređaja, gramofona i fonografa.
Njegova cjeloživotna posvećenost kolekcionarstvu rezultirala je zbirkom koju trenutno čine 86 starih radio uređaja, gramofona, fonografa i drugih srodnih mjernih uređaja i instrumenata.
Drugi dio zbirke Kraker čini gotovo 2000 starih gramofonskih ploča i fonografskih valjaka.

Kolekcionarska strast gospodina Krakera potakla je Hrvatsku televiziju na snimanje dokumentarca pod naslovom  “Čuvar zvuka” u kojem se opisuje Krakerov život ispunjen velikon ljubavi spram glazbe i glazbenih uređaja.
Zbirka Kraker je trenutno u fazi preuzimanja od strane Gradskog muzeja Sisak i uskoro će biti otvorena za posjetitelje na lokaciji u tzv. "holandskoj kući" u centru Siska. presents here one of the many museum pages. We try to bring data for your direct information about all that is relevant. In the list (link above right) you find the complete listing of museums related to "Radio & Co." we have information of. Please help us to be complete and up to date by using the contact form above.



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