Israel Railway museum - מוזיאון רכבת ישראל |
Haifa, Israel |
Address |
Hativat Golani St. 1
Floor area | unfortunately not known yet |
Opening times
Sundays - Thursdays, except holydays and eve of holydays, from 08:30-15:30. | ||||||||
Status from 01/2014
Adult: 30 ₪; Child (age 3-11): 15 ₪ | ||||||||
Contact |
Homepage | |
Location / Directions |
By public transportation: Local bus routes 17, 103 and 108 have stops within short walking distance from the Museum entrance (see map below). From Lev Hamifratz railway station or central bus station with bus nos. 103 or 108, or from Nawe Sha'anan with bus no. 17, get off at the Hativat Golani St. stop and continue some 250m by foot to the main entrance of Haifa Mizrah railway station, then follow the signs to the Museum entrance. From Haifa Merkaz railway station with bus nos. 17 or 103, or from Bat Galim with bus no. 108, get off at the Pal-Yam St. stop which follows Al-Istiqlal Mosque. After getting off the bus, please cross the road at the nearby traffic lights and follow the adjacent descending road to Hativat Golani St. where you will find a traffic light with a pedestrian crossing, after which you should turn to the left and continue for some 200m to the main entrance of Haifa Mizrah railway station, then follow the signs to the Museum entrance. By Car: From south: proceed along HaAtsmaut Way from the lower city area towards the Checkpost as far as Pal-Yam Blvd., turn left on to Highway 22 following the signposts for Akko. Take the first exit to the right from Highway 22 following the signposts for Shemen Beach and immediately turn right again into Hamelacha St; keep going as far as the roundabout beneath the bridge carrying Highway 22, to the left of which you will see the entrance gate to the Museum access road. Continue to the the car park at the end of the access road by the main Museum entrance. From north or east: proceed along Highway 22 towards Haifa. Leave by the last exit to the right following the signposts towards Hiram and turn left immediately towards the roundabout beneath the bridge carrying Highway 22, to the left of which you will see the entrance gate to the Museum access road. Continue to the the car park at the end of the access road by the main Museum entrance. |
Some example model pages for sets you can see there:
Description | The Israel Railway Museum provides an historical overview of railways in the Holy Land and their part in the development of the country from the first line between Jaffa and Jerusalem opened in 1892 under Turkish rule, through two World Wars, the British Mandate, and right up to the revitalized Israel Railways of the 21st Century. About The Israel Railway MuseumLocated in the old Turkish-era railway station of Haifa Mizrah (East), the Museum offers a tour through the past with the sight of modern trains passing by, set against a panoramic view of the city of Haifa and Mount Carmel. |
Description (other) |
متحف القطاراتمتحف القطارات الواقع في موقع محطة حيفا شرق يعرض علامات ومعالم متعلقة بتطوير مواصلات السكك الحديدية في ارض اسرائيل منذ بدايتها عام 1892 م. كما يمكن العثور في المتحف على وصف لجهاز القطارات الحالي مع وظائفه المختلفة. اشيد مبنى متحف القطارات والعربات ككراج قطارات للقطار الحجازي (المعروف ب- "قطار المرج"). Музей железной дорогиВ музее железной дороги, расположенном на территории станции Хайфа Восток, представлены основные вехи развития железнодорожного транспорта в Израиле с момента его начала в 1892 г. В музее можно также найти описание современной системы движения поездов и её различных функций. Здание музея для размещения паровозов и вагонов построено возле паровозов Хиджазского поезда (знаменитого “поезда Аэмек”). |
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