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Skogar Museum

861 Skógar, Iceland

Address Skogasafn 1 (Museum Way)
Floor area unfortunately not known yet  
Museum typ Exhibition
Heritage- or City Museum
  • Passenger cars
  • Navy / Watercraft
  • Agricultural
  • Fire Brigade
  • Trucks / Lorries
  • Air and Space (aviation, spaceflight etc.)
  • Craft
  • Electric motors/generators/pumps
  • Telephone / Telex
  • Morse technology
  • Measuring Instruments, Lab Equipment
  • Open Air Museum
  • Amateur Radio / Military & Industry Radio
  • Tractors

Opening times
June - August: 9h - 18h; September - May: 10h - 17h
Júní- ágúst: 9 - 18; September - maí: 10 - 17

Status from 09/2019
Adults: 2000 ISK, Students/senior: 1300 ISK; Children 12-17 years: 1000 ISK

Tel.:+354-487-88 45  eMail:booking  


Our page for Skogar Museum in Skógar, Iceland, is not yet administrated by a member. Please write to us about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N63.526171° W19.492836°N63°31.57026' W19°29.57016'N63°31'34.2156" W19°29'34.2096"

Skógar literally forests, is a small Icelandic village with a population of roughly 25 located at the south of the Eyjafjallajökull glacier, in the municipality of Rangárþing eystra.

1 minute from Skogar Waterfall
Just off Ring Road 1
30 kms west of Vík
150 kms east of Reykjavík

Some example model pages for sets you can see there:

USA: RCA RCA Victor Co. CR-88 (1942-53?)
USA: National Company; HRO-7-R (1947-49)


Skogar Museum in Southern Iceland, is a cultural heritage collection of 15,000 regional folk craft artifacts exhibited in 3 museums and 6 historical buildings.
Transportation Museum, Communications, Rescue Teams. It is also the historical museum for Rangárvallasýsla and West Skaftafellssýsla counties.

On 20 July 2002 a Transport Museum was opened in a large building erected on the museum site. The museum focuses on transport and technology, as well as on the role of the horse and ferries in overland transport in the days before roads and bridges.

The Skógar Folk Museum has a large site, which includes examples of many periods of Icelandic architectural history.
At the lower end of the site is a traditional turf farmhouse, including a baðstofa (communal room where the household slept, ate and worked), kitchen with open hearth, pantry, parlour, store room and cattleshed. Adjacent to the turf farmhouse is a hydro-electric plant, a reminder of the inventive pioneers who first harnessed water power to generate electricity.
The upper part of the site includes a schoolhouse typical of Icelandic country schools in the early 20th century, a church, and a baðstofa built over a cattleshed to benefit from the warmth of the animals, along with a storehouse. At the highest point on the site is a wooden house built at Holt, Síða, in 1898.
To the east of the hydro plant is one of the spans of a bridge built in 1921 across the glacial river Jökulsá, Sólheimasandur.


1. Museum building
2. Turf farmhouse
3. Hydro-electric plant from Breiðabólsstaður, Síða.
4. Schoolhouse from Litli-Hvammur, Mýrdalur.
5. Church
6. Skál cattleshed-baðstofa and storehouse from Gröf.
7. Holt wooden house from Síða.
8. Museum of transport.

The Museum of Transport and Communication

The Museum of Transport and Communication in Skógar was opened July 20th 2002 in a new exhibition hall. The history and evolution of transport, communication and technologies in Iceland in the 19th and 20th centuries, from the age of the working horse to the digital communication of today. The museum᾿s aim is to collect, preserve and exhibit artifacts that tell this story.

The museums main sponsors who exhibit their artifacts there are: The National Museum of Iceland, The Roadworks, Icelandic Mail, Icelandic Coast Guard, RARIK Electric Network, Síminn Telephone and Landsbjörg SAR along many interesting exhibits from the Skógar Museum.


Þann 20. júlí 2002 var opnað nýtt sýningarhús í Skógasafni. Hér birtist þróun samgangna og tækni á Íslandi á 19. og 20. öld. Hlutverk Samgöngusafnsins í Skógum verður söfnun, varðveisla og sýning muna og minja um þróun samgangna í landinu. Um er að ræða safn samgöngutækja og sýningu er lýsir samgöngum á hverjum tíma og þróun þeirra. Þarna getur að líta gömul reiðtygi, fyrstu vélarnar í bílum og mótorbátum, gamla bíla, vegagerðartæki, verkfæri og ferðabúnað frá ýmsum tímum, gömul mótorhjól og margt fleira. Einnig er saga póstþjónustu, rafvæðingar og fjarskipta rakin á sýningunni.

Í júní 2008 opnaði Slysavarnafélagið Landsbjörg í samvinnu við Skógasafn nýja sýningu í Samgöngusafninu sem gerir áttatíu ára sögu björgunarsveitanna í landinu skil með tækjum, textum, myndum og ýmsum búnaði í um 170 fm rými.

Helstu samstarfsaðilar Samgöngusafnsins eru Þjóðminjasafn Íslands, Vegagerðin, Íslandspóstur, Rafmagnsveitur ríkisins og Landsbjörg en þessir aðilar hafa lagt muni til sýningarinnar. Sýningarhúsið er 1510 fermetra límtrésbygging og stendur austan við aðalbyggingu Skógasafns. Í húsinu er minjagripaverslun og veitingastaður. presents here one of the many museum pages. We try to bring data for your direct information about all that is relevant. In the list (link above right) you find the complete listing of museums related to "Radio & Co." we have information of. Please help us to be complete and up to date by using the contact form above.



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