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さっぽろテレビ塔 - Sapporo TV Tower

060-0042 Sapporo-Chūō-ku, Japan (Hokkaidō)

Address Odori Nishi 1-chome
Floor area unfortunately not known yet  
Museum typ Exhibition
  • Transmitting and Studio technique

Opening times
2019/4/1 (Mon.) ~ 2020/3/31 (Tue.): 9:00~22:00
2020/4/1 (Wed.) ~ 2021/3/31 (Wed.): 9:00~22:00

Status from 11/2019
Adult: ¥720; High school student (16-18): ¥600; Junior high student (13-15): ¥400;
Primary school student (6-12): ¥300; Child (3-5): ¥100



Our page for さっぽろテレビ塔 - Sapporo TV Tower in Sapporo-Chūō-ku, Japan, is not yet administrated by a member. Please write to us about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N43.061113° E141.356448°N43°3.66678' E141°21.38688'N43°3'40.0068" E141°21'23.2128"

Sapporo TV Tower is located on the ground of Odori Park, in the northern city of Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, the tower is open to tourists.

Take the exit marked number 27 if arriving from the underground mall or Aurora town.

There is also a connection via the underground from Sapporo station and Susukino station.


The Sapporo TV Tower, built in 1957, is a 147.2 m high (483 ft) TV tower with an observation deck at a height of 90.38 m. Tourists can view Sapporo and Odori Park.


The TV Tower was built in 1957 by Tachū Naitō, a Japanese architect who is famous for planning the Tokyo Tower, with the total construction costs of 170 million yen. Since the transmission facility was established on the Mount Teine, Sapporo TV Tower has worked as a repeater of AIR-G' and FM North Wave, a radio station based in Sapporo.

In 1961, digital clocks were installed at the height of 65 metres from the ground, which were donated by Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., a Japanese electronics manufacturer. This installation was suggested by the founder of the company Konosuke Matsushita, who thought these digital clocks would draw a great attention to the Tower. These digital clocks, installed at four sides of the Tower, have been repaired two times: in 1998 and 2006. The interior and exterior of the Sapporo TV Tower were renovated in 2002, and the color of walls at the second and third floors were changed from pale green to dark green. In the second repair of the digital clocks in 2006, the light-emitting diode was adopted, and the advertisement right below the clocks was changed from the "National" to "Panasonic".

The lift to the observation deck at 90 metres high is located on the third floor, where visitors are required to buy tickets to continue to the observation deck. From the observation deck, the entire view of the Odori Park, Mount Ōkura, and Maruyama are seen.



出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』



1957年(昭和32年)に完成した当初はNHK札幌放送局および札幌テレビ放送 (STV) の電波発信塔としての役割を担っていた。1956年(昭和31年)12月22日には開業に先駆けて完成した塔体からNHKがテレビ放送の電波を、開業後の1959年(昭和34年)4月1日にはSTVがテレビ放送の電波を発射し始めた。

しかし1956年(昭和31年)に北海道放送 (HBC) が手稲山を開拓して送信所を設置しテレビ塔より広いサービスエリアを構築してからはNHKが1962年(昭和37年)5月27日に、STVが1969年(昭和44年)1月19日に手稲山に移り、STVが移った時点で全てのテレビ送信所が手稲山に一本化された。現在はNHK-FM・AIR-G'・NORTH WAVEのFM各局の中継局施設(札幌大通中継局)とNHKの予備送信所(総合・Eテレ・FM放送)が残るのみとなった。2005年(平成17年)9月にはNHKの地上デジタル放送の手稲山送信所へ放送波を転送するためのSTLアンテナが設置された。



2002年(平成14年)に内外装の大改修が実施され、2・3階部分の外壁の色が薄い緑色から現在の濃い緑色になった。 presents here one of the many museum pages. We try to bring data for your direct information about all that is relevant. In the list (link above right) you find the complete listing of museums related to "Radio & Co." we have information of. Please help us to be complete and up to date by using the contact form above.



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