Latvijas dzelzceļa vēstures muzejs - The Latvian Railway History Museum

1048 Riga, Latvia (Latvia, Riga)

Address Uzvaras boulevard 2A
Floor area only roughly guessed: 150 000 m² / 1 614 587 ft²  
Museum typ Exhibition
  • Railway Technique

Opening times
Tuesday - Saturday: 10:00-17:00:; Thursday: 10:00 - 20:00.
Otrdiena - sestdiena: 10:00-17:00; Ceturtdiena: 10:00 - 20:00.

Status from 04/2022
Adults: 3,50 €; Students, Seniors: 2,00 €

Tel.:+371-200 32 331  eMail:muzejs  


Our page for Latvijas dzelzceļa vēstures muzejs - The Latvian Railway History Museum in Riga, Latvia (Latvia, Riga), is not yet administrated by a member. Please write to us about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N56.940386° E24.094402°N56°56.42316' E24°5.66412'N56°56'25.3896" E24°5'39.8472"

In Riga the museum is situated on the left bank of the Daugava River at Uzvaras Boulevard in an old engine warehouse.

The Museum is only a few minutes walk from Vecrīga Public transport stop: Nacionālā bibliotēka


Text from Wikipedia 6/2012:

The Latvian Railway History Museum is a railway museum in Riga, Latvia. It was established on August 30, 1994 and contains more than a thousand items, documents and photographs related to railway communications and signalling equipment, tools and instruments, uniforms and badges.

Latvian Railway History Museum

Railway is the forerunner of civilisation and a life artery, as well as a friend to adventurers, offering people a way to attain their dreams. The importance of railway is inestimable, and the smell of railway is unmistakable. The Latvian Railway history Museum, established in 1990, invites you to explore the world of railways. An interesting feature of the museum is that it is situated near a functioning railway line.

In the White Hall of the museum, exhibition "History of Rolling Stock in Latvia, 1858–1940" informs about the beginnings of steam locomotives in England at the start of the 19th century and presents a cross-section of a steam engine. This part of the exhibition also informs about the construction of first railways in Latvia from 1858. The other part of the exhibition deals with locomotives in the Republic of Latvia (1919–1940), especially locomotives and motorised cars designed and built by Latvian engineers. Some of the locomotives were of unique design and were being written about by prestigious railway publications.

Exhibition "Train Station from Staff Entrance" begins in the rolling stock depot and proceeds to an improvised railway platform. From there, visitors are taken to the station's waiting room with old train schedules and tickets, information about tourist trains at the end of 1930s, the Riga Railway Station and the history of railway bridges.

There is also a scale model of Latvian train stations, featuring scale models of freighters as well as passenger trains.

Yet it is the open-air exhibition of rolling stock that makes visitors really feel the spirit of railway.

There are locomotives from various history periods parked next to each other on four railway tracks, as well as train cars and railway maintenance machinery. There are mechanical and electrical railway signals, and a bench where one may sit for a while to watch the busy life of a railway station. You may want to take a guided tour of the diesel locomotive's cabin, accumulator railcar and steam locomotive, as well as a lounge car of the 1930s. A visit to the locomotive cabin may help you realise how railway workers used to live and work at that time.


Latvijas dzelzceļa vēstures muzejs

Dzelzceļš – civilizācijas vēstnesis, dzīvības artērijas, sapņu īstenotājs, piedzīvojumu meklētāju draugs. Ar savu nepārvērtējamu nozīmi, ar savu īpatno smaržu un varenību, zināmu noslēpumainību. Iepazīt šo pasauli aicina 1990. gadā izveidotais Latvijas dzelzceļa vēstures muzejs. Īpašu šarmu piešķir tas, ka še jūtams un dzirdams mūsdienu dzelzceļa pulss – tepat netālu garām iet dzelzceļa līnija.

Baltajā zāle, pirmajā muzeja ekspozīcijas daļā „Ritekļu vēsture Latvijā 1858.–1940. gads” muzeja apmeklētāji var iepazīties ar tvaika lokomotīves pirmajiem soļiem Anglijā 19. gs. sākumā, animācijā izpētīt tvaika lokomotīves uzbūvi un darbības principus. Pēc tam ekspozīcija pārceļas uz Latviju, kur 1858. gadā sāka būvēt pirmos dzelzceļus. Otrā ekspozīcijas sadaļa veltīta Latvijas valsts dzelzceļu (1919–1940) lokomotīvju parkam, īpašu uzmanību veltot Latvijā projektētajām, būvētajām un ekspluatētajām lokomotīvēm un motorvagoniem. Dažu ritekļu konstrukcija bija unikāla un par tiem savulaik vēstīja prestiži dzelzceļu apskates izdevumi.

Ekspozīcija “Stacija no dienesta ieejas puses” sākas 19. gs dzelzceļa remontdarbnīcu ēkā ar improvizētu peronu. Tālāk ceļš ved improvizētā stacijas uzgaidāmajā zālē, kur ir veci saraksti, biļetes, stāsts par tūrisma vilcieniem 30. gadu beigās, Rīgas stacijas un tiltu pārvērtībām.

Līdztekus tam darbojas arī reālas līnijas un Latvijas staciju dzelzceļa makets, pa kura sliedēm ripo kā preču, tā pasažieru vilcienu modeļi.

Tomēr pa īstam sajust dzelzceļa elpu iespējams ritošā sastāva brīvdabas ekspozīcijā.

Uz četriem sliežu ceļiem līdzās stāv dažāda laika lokomotīves, vagoni, sliežu ceļu apkopes tehnika. Semafora spārni šķeļ gaisu un perona galā pirms Torņakalna preču stacijas mirdz luksoforu gaismas. Tiem, kuri vēlas, ir iespēja nesteidzīgi baudīt stacijas atmosfēru, uz mirkli apsēžoties uz soliņa, vai gida pavadībā apskatīt dīzeļlokomotīves kabīni un mašīntelpu, iekāpt kontaktakumulatoru un tvaika lokomotīvēs, kā arī aplūkot 30. gadu salonvagonu. Un tieši tas mirklis, kad veras lokomotīves durvis un tu sper kāju šajā līdz šim slēgtajā valstībā, rodas sajūta, ka dzelzs rumaka sirds noslēpums ir saprasts. presents here one of the many museum pages. We try to bring data for your direct information about all that is relevant. In the list (link above right) you find the complete listing of museums related to "Radio & Co." we have information of. Please help us to be complete and up to date by using the contact form above.



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