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VEF vēstures muzejs - VEF History Museum

1039 Riga, Latvia (Latvia, Riga)

Address VEF Culture Palace - VEF Kultūras Pils
Ropažu iela 2 
Floor area unfortunately not known yet  
Museum typ Exhibition
Technical Museum in general
  • Automation Control Systems
  • Photo cameras and slide projectors
  • Air and Space (aviation, spaceflight etc.)
  • Model Aircraft and Aviation
  • Radios (Broadcast receivers)
  • Telephone / Telex
  • Biology / Medicine
  • Lamps and Light
  • Home Appliances

Opening times
Tuesday - Sunday: 12.00 - 20.00
Otrdiena - Svētdiena: 12.00 - 20.00

Status from 04/2022
The tour lasts ~45 minutes, price per group EUR 10.00 (in Latvian), EUR 15.00 (in English or Russian).
Ekskursijas ilgums ~45 minūtes, cena grupai EUR 10.00 (latviešu valodā), EUR 15.00 (angļu vai krievu valodā).

Tel.:+371-67-18 16 35  Tel.2:+371-67-12 65 96 971  


Our page for VEF vēstures muzejs - VEF History Museum in Riga, Latvia (Latvia, Riga), is not yet administrated by a member. Please write to us about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N56.974515° E24.166013°N56°58.47090' E24°9.96078'N56°58'28.2540" E24°9'57.6468"

VEF (Valst Elektrotechniska Fabrika) is a short distance away in uptown Riga, accessible by #6 tram (address: Brīvības gatve 214).

Not far is VEF Culture Palace (Ropažu ielā 1), home of the VEF History Museum

Location / Directions
Līdz VEF korpusiem no pilsētas centra viegli ir nokļūt ar 6. maršruta tramvaju. VEF atrodas Rīgas galvenajā ielā – Brīvības gatvē 214.

Turpat netālu VEF Kultūras pilī, Ropažu ielā 1, darbojas VEF vēstures muzejs

Some example model pages for sets you can see there:

LV: VEF Radio Works VEF 202 (1971-80)
LV: VEF Radio Works Spidola 230-1 (1975)
LV: VEF Radio Works VEF 206 (1975??)
LV: VEF Radio Works Vilnis VEF 216 (1985)


The new exposition of the museum will invite you to go on interactive adventures related to the history of VEF - to try what it is like to make a phone call by turning the dial of a telephone or to take a photo with VEF Minox, to feel what the radio of the 30s, 60s and 80s sounded like, to take a virtual tour around the VEF territory and get to know important places and objects.

The exhibition features award-winning telephones and radios from international exhibitions, including the legendary Tourist and Spīdola. The diverse range of products from the 1930s - electric light bulbs, a vacuum cleaner, pocket torches and batteries, a wind generator, etc. - is accurately described by the saying: "VEF made everything from needles to aeroplanes." Telephones, telephone exchanges, transistor receivers and stereomagnets from the 1950s-1980s characterise VEF's achievements during the Soviet period. On the touchscreens you can learn interesting facts about VEF medicine, VEF sports, VEF people and watch documentaries.


Muzeja jaunā ekspozīcija aicinās doties ar VEF vēsturi saistītos interaktīvos piedzīvojumos – izmēģināt, kā tas ir – piezvanīt, griežot telefona ciparripu, vai fotografēt ar VEF Minox, izjust, kā skanēja 30., 60. un 80. gadu radio, doties virtuālā tūrē pa  VEF teritoriju un iepazīt nozīmīgas vietas un objektus.

Ekspozīcijā apskatāmi starptautiskās izstādēs godalgotie telefoni un radioaparāti, starp tiem arī leģendārais Tūrists un Spīdola. Parādīts daudzveidīgais 20. gs. 30. gadu izstrādājumu klāsts – elektriskās spuldzes, putekļu sūcējs, kabatas lukturīši un baterijas, vēja ģenerators u.c., ko precīzi raksturo teiciens: "VEF ražoja visu, sākot ar adatām un beidzot ar lidmašīnām." 50.– 80. gadu telefoni, telefona centrāles, tranzistoruztvērēji un stereomagnetolas raksturo VEF sasniegumus padomju periodā. Skārienjūtīgajos ekrānos uzzināsiet interesantus faktus par VEF medicīnu, VEF sportu, VEF cilvēkiem, kā arī skatīties dokumentālās filmas.

Forum contributions about this museum
VEF vēstures muzejs - VEF History Museum
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VEF Museum at RIGA - temporary closed
Wojciech Taras

Unfortunately, VEF history museum is closed at the moment and will be open for visitors after reconstruction of VEF Culture palace. 

VEF vēstures muzejs - VEF History Museum
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