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Ny-Ålesund By- og Gruvemuseum

Ny-Ålesund, Norway (Svalbard - Spitzbergen)

Floor area unfortunately not known yet  
Museum typ Exhibition
Heritage- or City Museum
  • Mining
  • Biology / Medicine

Opening times

Status from 02/2018
Free entry.

Tel.:+47-79 02 64 87  Tel.2:+47-22 03 70 00  


Our page for Ny-Ålesund By- og Gruvemuseum in Ny-Ålesund, Norway, is not yet administrated by a member. Please write to us about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N78.925431° E11.930172°N78°55.52586' E11°55.81032'N78°55'31.5516" E11°55'48.6192"

Ny-Ålesund ("New Ålesund") is a research town in Oscar II Land on the island of Spitsbergen in Svalbard, Norway. It is situated on the Brøgger peninsula (Brøggerhalvøya) and on the shore of the bay of Kongsfjorden.

The Ny-Ålesund Town and Mine Museum is located in Ny-Ålesund, a town on Spitsbergen, the central island of the Norwegian archipelago Svalbard in the Arctic Ocean.

The exhibition is situated in one of the best conserved old buildings in Ny-Ålesund. The old barn was built in 1917 and houses both the museum that shows the mining history of Ny-Ålesund and the new information centre that explains the current activities in the town.

Ny-Ålesund has a road network which connects the buildings at the settlement, but this network does not extend beyond the settlement. Off-road motorized transport is prohibited on bare ground, but snowmobiles are used extensively during winter—both for commercial and recreational activities.[67] Ny-Ålesund Harbour is operated by Kings Bay. In addition to serving the research community, it is open to commercial and recreational vessels. It has one large berth which is International Ship and Port Facility Security Code compliant and is commonly used by cruise ships. To reach the Zeppelin Station, located at 485-meter (1,591 ft) above mean sea level, there is an aerial tramway which runs up Zeppelinfjellet


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Formerly a coal mining settlement until a series of serious accidents (including a final one in 1962) closed down the mine, Ny-Ålesund – which dates back to the first decades of the 20th century – has been a centre of international Arctic and polar research in recent years, housing scientific bases such as the Arctic Yellow River Station and the Himadri Station, belonging to China and India respectively. The area is administrated by Kings Bay, a government-owned company.

Ny-Ålesund Town and Mine Museum

The museum is housed in a building constructed in 1917, originally for storage. It was eventually converted into the town store in 1920. The museum was created long afterwards, in 1988, and the building has remained in use as such since. The exterior of the wooden structure has been largely preserved, due to its cultural heritage values. The interior has gone through several redevelopments and improvements. In 2009 a new information centre was opened in the building alongside the museum, providing an introduction to the environmental research going on in the area.

In 2011 Kings Bay received significant funds from the Svalbard Environmental Protection Fund for a project to modernize the museum and its exhibitions, scheduled for completion in the Summer of 2014. Things featured in the remodelled museum, which is unstaffed for the most part, include exhibits on the history of Ny-Ålesund since the site was first visited in the 1600s, the coal mining industry, the 1962 accident, early aviation on Svalbard, the scientific research carried out in Ny-Ålesund, and the settlement's society and culture.

New information centre in Ny-Ålesund opened today

An updated and upgraded Information Centre opened today its doors for scientists, inhabitants and visitors in Ny-Ålesund.

The exhibition is divided into four parts, presenting impressions of the flora and fauna in Svalbard, life in Ny-Ålesund througout the year, research activities, and the use and protection of the Arctic nature.

Research activities are illustrated by the four flagship programmes in Ny-Ålesund: atmosphere, marine and terrestrial systems and research about snow and ice. Information is presented as video installations, pictures and short text on the walls. There are also several items used for research that complete the impression of science in the Arctic.


Ny-Ålesund By- og Gruvemuseum er et museum i Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard. Museet, som er lokalisert i den gamle butikken fra 1917, ble åpnet i 1989. Museet er ubetjent og er åpent hele døgnet.

Blant utstillingene er Roald Amundsens polarferder på 1920-tallet, hverdagslivet frem til nedleggelsen av gruvedriften, et tannlegekontor og en rekonstruert gruvegang. Museet omfatter også en innredet gruvearbeiderbolig fra begynnelsen av 1960-tallet. presents here one of the many museum pages. We try to bring data for your direct information about all that is relevant. In the list (link above right) you find the complete listing of museums related to "Radio & Co." we have information of. Please help us to be complete and up to date by using the contact form above.



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