Kongsberg Sølvgruvene - Kongsberg Silver Mines |
3614 Kongsberg - Saggrenda, Norway (Buskerud) |
Address |
Malmveien 11
Floor area | unfortunately not known yet |
Opening times
Departures with the train to the Silvermines 18.05. – 07.07. Every day 10.00, 12.00 og 14.00 08.07. – 05.08. Every day 10.00, 12.00, 14.00 og 16.00 06.08. – 31.08. Every day 10.00, 12.00 og 14.00 01.09. – 30.09. Sat and Sun 12.00 og 14.00 01.10.- 07.10. Every day 12.00 (Autumn holidays) Pre-booked tours all year |
Status from 12/2018
Adult: kr 160; Student/senior: kr 120; Child: kr 100; Family: kr 480 | ||||
Contact |
Homepage | norsk-bergverksmuseum.no |
Location / Directions |
THE SILVERMINES is located in Saggrenda, around 8 km outside Kongsberg town, in the direction Notodden. |
Location / Directions (other) |
Saggrenda er et tettsted i Kongsberg, ca. en mil vest for sentrum. I Saggrenda ligger blant annet Kongens Gruve, som er et stort turistmål.
De av sølvgruvene som er åpne for publikum ligger i Saggrenda, 8 km fra Kongsberg sentrum. |
Description | The Kongsberg Silver Mines (1623–1958) constitute the largest mining field in Norway from pre-modern time, with more than 200 different mines. It was the largest pre-industrial working place in Norway with 4,000 workers at its peak in 1770. Tour the Silver Mines Join a train ride that takes you 342 meters below the surface and 2,3 km into the mountain. Inside the King’s mine there is a guided tour through stopes, adits and shafts. A mine elevator built in 1881 (“Fahrkunst”), is just one of many things to see on this tour, which takes 1,5 hours. The temperature is 6°C, so please dress warm! Children under 3 years are not permitted to entre the Silver mines. The banquet hall was made in 1943 as a storage room for the National Archives of Norway and 2,000 shelf meters of documents. 10 – 12 people had their daily work inside the mine from July 1943 to June 1945. Today the room is used for events, concerts, shows and company gettogethers. |
Description (other) |
Fra Wikipedia, den frie encykloped: Anleggene er nå nedstengt og åpningene delvis gjenmurt. En liten del er omgjort til museum og turistattraksjon under Norsk Bergverksmuseum på Kongsberg. Her frakter et gruvetog besøkende 2,3 km inn i berget. |
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